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Awesome Fan art! BY GlambertMax

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, October 25, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, October 25, 2014


Kath said...

no guns

Anne Marie said...

You don't need a gun to make us beg for mercy, LOL

Naupaka18 said...

yep, who needs guns!!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Not very politically correct, but sexy nevertheless. Reminds me of that scene in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid between Sundance and Etta (Robert Redford and Katharine Ross) when he makes her get undressed at gunpoint and we don't realize that they are a couple.

Adam looks very handsome, gun or no gun.

glitzylady said...

In light of the tragic events of yesterday, the Marysville-Pilchuck HS shootings, I'm not a fan of this picture, or a fan of guns, ever. I live very close to this community that has been so horribly and permanently affected by a gun, in the hands of a disturbed child of 14. We are grieving with his family and the families of those he shot, and all of those who knew and loved all of the victims. The teen boy is a victim as well.. I understand that this fan art meant well, but very bad timing. Sorry...

JAK said... not Adam.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so sad to read about, must be beyond heartbreaking when you know the families.

nancdruuu2 said...

Appreciate the effort, but I'll pass on this. Guns - a definite no no.

Anonymous said...

No I agree, hate guns. Not a fan though appreciate the art.

The Dark Side said...

Lol, a Glam cowboy! Works for me...but I wish they had given him a six gun.

Dee R Gee said...

We know this picture wasn't posted with any negativity or political agenda intended. Just a provocative picture of Adam. My post comparing it to the movie scene wasn't meant to condone guns either, and, of course, no one here suggested that. I live in a very close suburb of Chicago. Certain neighborhoods there are riddled with violence on a daily basis. It's a culture full of hopelessness and despair. It's certainly not what the whole city is like, but it's tragic nonetheless. And the school shootings throughout the country, many committed by young students, its beyond tragic. And despite the best of efforts, olutions seem impossible to find. Very sad.

JAK said...

I live in a state where we have the Stand Your Ground law. I know the deaths caused by this law are in the triple the past year 3 of the people shot to death have been 'armed' with a basketball, with popcorn and a cell phone and of course in our most infamous case the dead boy was armed with a package of Skittles.

It's getting to where I'm afraid to tell the person at MacDonald's drive thru that they got my order wrong.....after they shoot me they can say they felt their life was in jeopardy. The gun laws get scarier every year.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Never liked guns ... never will. This pic should be done by the artist 'sans' the gun ... then it would be very artistic ... sorry!! JMO
Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)