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Adam Lambert's tattoo looks kind of like a heptogram with a triangle in the middle!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Anne Marie said...

I thought he would get that done, sooner or later. Hate to see him all tatted up. But he can do what he likes, it's forever now, unlike his relationships, it's his body and his life, and I am sure he is happy with his choices.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the eye of horus in his new tattoo.

Anonymous said...

and the sun and moon representing the dark and light for Adam

Lam-My said...

I looked up this particular tattoo motif and it has a name; it's called Kabbalah, can be spelt in other ways. It's a form of Jewish mysticism. Two over-lapping triangles can symbolise bisexuality / homosexuality. The circle represents the sun or universe; my interpretation of the circle would be life, God, connection, spirituality. There can be various other interpretations. It seems this symbol is rather popular among renowned people.

PRS said...

Amen Anne Marie!

Anonymous said...

Well tattoos don't have to be forever when someone wants them removed; heard it was painful though. Just like the end of some relationships.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting Lam-my someone on Ig also mentioned Alchemical symbols.

Lam-My said...


glitzylady said...

Thanks for the info... I was thinking along similar lines.....

Lam-My said...

Glitzylady...You are welcome. :)

Anne Marie said...

I have a feeling that, now that Adam has his tattoo, he will be home shortly. Just a gut feeling.

glitzylady said...

It seems that Adam's new tatt is in least in part, a diagram of an "Enneagram", described this way, in brief:

"A model of human personality which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types."


Gabi said...

I'm not happy about another massive patch of ink on his beautiful skin :( Why??

Lam-My said...

Also, the triangle has deep religious meanings as in the Holy Trinity, Three Persons in one God; other religions as well.
3 can also represent past, present and future; or mind, body and spirit / as in yoga.
Triangle is the most stable geometrical shape; as manifested in the ancient pyramids.
An upturned triangle represents male, a downturned triangle represents female; so if they represents bi or homosexuality.
Also the Jews in olden times were forced to wear this two-overlapping-triangles symbol as their identification, like in the Nazi era.
The circle is the strongest geometrical shape; triangle the most stable shape.
So 3 represented by triangle, is a very spiritual, mystical number and circle to me represents eternity, God or infinity or negatively no escape as in the number 8 which to me is a twisted circle. Just some ruminations...

Lam-My said...

Timeslot.....Bingo ! above time. lol!

Lam-My said...

Bingo again ! above time. lol!

Anonymous said...

I love the Black ink tattoos it so much more attractive than a colored one to me. Adams tatoos look good on him. They all mean something to him.
This really a well done beautiful tatoo. I doubt Adam will ever do any thing like that to his face.
He still can put a jacket on for formal wear you will hardly see them. It's his body and he should have the right to do as he pleases each to his own.
As far as relationships his have lasted far longer than many celebs. We are talking Hollywood years two there are like ten.someday when the time uscright true love will come to Adam and the fact that he has to travel for his job will not break it up. I really wish that for him right now he probably hasto much on his plate for romance. Correction when the time is Right! Sue

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, this part of your comment, " it's forever now, unlike his relationships," is why some of us have questioned if you are a troll. It is just such a judgemental and mean thing to say.

Sorry I don't have a name to sign with to prove I'm not "picking on you" but I never logged in during that period here.

Lam-My said...

Timeslot, don't be funny...Bingo again third time. lol! above.

Anonymous said...

11:35 PM
Anne Marie is hardly a troll. She's a big supporter of Adam & there is nothing wrong with her comment. We're not all "sheep".

N.B. I am not Anne Marie. However, I'm sick of people being called trolls when they're nothing of the sort.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie might not be a troll, but the comment was disrespectful and uncalled for.

We know nothing about Adams relationships.

Anonymous said...

Adam obviously has long lasting relationships. Just look at Danielle, the Cherrys, Terrance, etc.

Saying unlike his relationships sounds like a horrible, unjustified, disrespectful judgment of Adam's personal life. Like there is some shame that Adam doesn't have a significant other. Or an insinuation that Adam can't keep one.

We don't have to be sheep but we also don't have to keep quiet if someone is insulting Adam.

Anonymous said...

@3:29 AM

Thank you, your post is very well said; it is very, very thoughtful and agree with you 100%. Sometimes, even I wince at some of the things that so called Adam fans say about him, and their invasion of his privacy verbally!!

I say, "even I", because I am not overly sensitive. I just feel that some things are off limits, and the thoughts should just remain in the person's head!! js.

Anne Marie said...

I didn't mean any long term friendships, he definitely has those. I said 'unlike his relationships' didn't imply anything was his fault that they didn't last, we will never know why they ended, but they did. We don't know if any one was at fault. I didn't mean to be disrespectful just stated a fact.
Sorry if I speak a bit bluntly, I am a big fan of Adam, but I have never put him on a pedestal as some god. He is a down to earth guy, which is one reason people like him, as I do also.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, our beautiful, talented, kind hearted; down to earth alien from "The Planet Fierce, does belong on a pedestal! You had better recognize!!! Of course we love him so!

Anonymous said...

It's going to hurt when he falls off that pedestal, as all humans do.

Anne Marie said...

I don't and wont put any human being on a pedestal, doesn't mean I don't appreciate his music or Adam himself, I am just being realistic.

Anonymous said...

Only thing I worry about is the tendency fame and fortune has to be isolating to a certain degree. Most of the Queen songs penned by Freddie Mercury were about his inability to find love, while being adored by millions. No matter what no one wants that to happen to Adam and the concern is that it seems hard to have a private relationship, as if you can't have it all.

Anonymous said...

3:51, Adam isn't Freddie.

Anonymous said...

People, the person's post just seemed to be a play on words; don't take everything so literally; I loved the humorous post; and our man will never fall off of his non existence pedestal.

Some people, or one person needs to get a grip! Remember, as stated, he is from the Planet Fierce; apparently, there was no backlash to that statement; so that was believable I guess.

Seems that someone just did not agree with our Adam being on a pedestal, well, not to worry; I bet it's made of GLITTER, so Adam will have a very soft landing if he does fall off, and of course, we Glamberts will always be there to catch him!!!

Anne Marie said...

no one said he was Freddie. But having a meaningful relationship and have some private time is hard for celebrities. Adam has a tendency to write about the woes and problems and not being accepted for being gay. Which I am sure is part of the reason he wasn't on radio. He wants love, but it is so hard being a star. Money does not buy love or happiness all the time.

Anonymous said...

@5:42 PM

In my opinion, your post is just ridiculous in so many ways; no words can express the stupidity of your remarks. It sounds so homophobic and really sad coming from someone posting on an Adam blog fan site.

Evidently, you don't know a darn thing about Adam, and what he wants! You should be ashamed for posting such off the wall speculation.

Anonymous said...

The person who says a couple of nice things about Adam, then tries to tear him down in the next sentence is fooling no one!!

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, time to rethink things if you really believe what you write here.

Anonymous said...

People, let's remember that English is not everyone's first language, and let's not assume what someone's intentions or attitudes are from a simple post. Writing can be a finicky thing, and like most things, it is subjective to the moods and experiences of both the writer and listener. What is meant to be one way can come off many different ways. And that is no one's fault; just a misunderstanding. More often than not, that is the case. So let's not get into arguments over something silly.
*just a friendly reminder*

Anonymous said...

ESL isn't the issue with a couple of people here who keep having "misunderstandings".