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Captain Hook: Adam Lambert Vs Brian May!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 19, 2014

Posted at : Friday, December 19, 2014


Lam-My said...

Yea I remember Adam in this supposedly pirate costume. At that time, he didn't have his golden claws yet; might have helped him to look more hooky. lol! Now he looks like a musketeer.

Lam-My said...

Oh but now Werewolf appropriated those Golden claws already...used for hooking Dracula. lol! Now we have Captain Hook vs Werewolf's Golden claws vs Dracula's Fangs. What a mess of unsavoury characters. Who wil win if they fought together. lol! Mmm...Dracula will win, he shapeshifts and climbs into bedrooms and strikes at the stroke of midnight when those two are fast asleep. Oh wait a minute, Dracula is a very sophisticated blood sucker; they may not be his cup of tea er cup of blood. lol! I think Werewolf wins hands down...he may look grotesque on the outside but underneath he is honest to a hilt and also his staple diet is greens. lol! And Captain Hook, had better remain plundering the high seas as he won't do well on land. Ahh don't give up on him so fast...he can always find his way to Ali Baba's treasures; he can smell them from nautical miles away. lol!

JAK said...

I think this one goes to Dr Bri......he looks determined......Adam looks demented! :-)))

Anonymous said...

Adam versus Freddie & now it's Adam versus Brian. LOL
Waiting for Adam versus Roger.

Anonymous said...

Adam got his claw paw way before this picture was taken. He's had it in closet for a long time. :)

Anonymous said...

I would like Capt Hook in my closet!

JAK said...

Need we ask which one?

Anonymous said...

I'm not 3:41, but I would more than gladly take them both... *gulp*

JAK said...

No way....I've had dibs on Brian for a long time....;-).

yada said...
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yada said...

Alrighty JAK, seems fair to me.
You take Brian the Pirate in your closet and I'll take Captain Adam Hook in mine....

Uh oh, 2:14! Guess it's up to you and me. ;)))))