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SCANS from Classic Rock with Queen + Adam Lambert!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, January 12, 2015

Posted at : Monday, January 12, 2015


Lam-My said...

Adam single-handedly bottled some classic antiquated wine in new bottle...selling like hot cakes in this day and age. Brian and Roger not only stumbled onto a new lead man but a whole new branch of their Queen business.

Anonymous said...


JAK said...

Nicely said Roger......get busy on new material. Even a single would do.

V Camilleri said...

That's what I say. new Music. Would love to here a new Queen + Adam song!!

Anonymous said...

Damn! I've increased the size of the font to the absolute max and I still can't read the text. :-((((((

Dee R Gee said...

Brian and Roger are so over-the-moon about Adam! I'm sure they'd love to record new music with him. I know they're taking in one step at a time, but I think the time will come when they will do it.

Anonymous said...

Queen reborn.

I like that!!!