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Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, February 13, 2015

Posted at : Friday, February 13, 2015


Anonymous said...

Where can you buy those?

Unknown said...

You can buy it if you have enough money:

Anonymous said...

They're about $1200 at Sak's. I'll have to forgo those boots and save up for Adam's tour to support his new album! Yay!

JAK said...

I like 'em! Very classy and comfy looking.

Anonymous said...

Up on that stage with all the running around Adam has to do; especially while fully recuperating; these seem like just what the doctor would order. They are also very beautiful and classy and practical and very comfortable looking!! Adorned with Gold baby gold. Love them!!!

Anonymous said...

At one website I saw it for 695

Anonymous said...

News from Oregon totally unrelated to the shoes. Next Wednesday the state of Oregon will swear in the first sitting LGBT Governor (that's according to the TV station KGW). It's really not a big deal here, so that's progress.

Anonymous said...

Adam always has the nicest clothes and footwear. Excellent taste in his shoes, especially. Can't imagine how large his wardrobe must be ;)))

Anonymous said...

Molly, your comment is really missing context. Brown is currently the Secretary of State and is only becoming Governor because the current idiot just resigned in shame and acandal. Brown is bisexual and married to a man. True it's not much of an issue but it's not also like a gay governor was just easily elected.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't buy Zanottis off EBay, which was given in the link above. Too many fakes sold as the real deal there. You can get sneakers like Adam's at Sak's.

Anonymous said...

Nice love them

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam has such great style! Rock on!

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam has such great style! Rock on!

Lam-My said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

The mayor of Seattle is gay, married to his partner of many years...

Progress is definitely being made here in the northwest/west coast US..

Unknown said...

Yeah, Adam has been shopping. Love the sneakers they are so Adam. He does have excellent taste in clothes , shoes, jewelry.

JAK said...

I'm pretty sure my taste would improve if I had more, more, more money! I could give up Reeboks.

yada said...

Wow, those are very, very cool. And with the gold accents they're perfect for QAL's stage motif.

By themselves they are classy...urban. Once they're on Adam.... they morph into SEXY. Anything he does his strutting in... :)

JAK said...

Same sex marriage is finally becoming legal in Florida over the kicking, screaming, scheming bodies of our Governor :-( and Florida Attorney General :-( and lots of citizens :-(.

We finally had a judge decide the ban against it was in violation of the Constitution. :-) Lots of \o/. \o/. happy dancing couples.....but wait.....several counties said "no, no, no", clutched their hearts in despair and said "well, we are not going to force our court clerks to perform marriages for gays and lesbians....we won't discriminate though, we just won't marry anyone anymore." I think they stomped their foot while saying this.

Oh Florida Florida what next?

Kath said...

It's cool Adam has the means to spend a little more on things he likes. He has also shown that he takes care of his things and can pull out a favorite hat or shirt that he purchased years ago and still make it fashionable. I wish I would have been that smart and kept a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

JAK, ugh, but as long as they issue the licences, that part is the most important. You may have to become ordained so you can start performing the weddings. I think you would be delightful at it.

JAK said...

Actually I married 6 couples years ago when I was a notary public. They were all employees of the bank where I was a loan officer. Five weddings on the beach......either sunrise or sunset.....and one on top of an Indian mound! Lots of puffing and panting for the wedding party and guests, but it's a beautiful spot overlooking Tampa Bay.

Next time I go there I will be carried up the mound.......that's where my ashes will be scattered when I finally go to The Happy Hunting Ground. :-))))

Anonymous said...

JAK, see, i knew you would be good at it :) BTW, what haven't you done?

Anonymous said...

Jmo. Love the new shoes/sneakers/whatever they are called, but not so much with this badass mofo SEXY leather-y outfit... Flat shoes are NOT sexy, however embellished they are... And that outfit oozes SEXY-ness and requires SEXY boots to boot... :))) Love ADAM anyways & always!!!

JAK said...

@ 11:09 AM.....never bungee jumped off of anything, scuba dived, sky dived, had an affair, pierced my ears, gotten a ticket from a cop, cheated on my taxes, eaten kale or floated up up and away in a beautiful balloon. :-)

yada said...

...... JAK, you've never eaten kale??
And here I thought you've really lived. ;-D

HK fan said...


I the new boots, but not with that outfit..the heels are definitely sexier.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan

Great to hear from you, long time no see!
Would love to see Adam wearing those sneakers with various/different kind of outfits though.... Don't be a stranger, gurl!

HK fan said...


Thanks for the welcome....yeh its been a while:)
Its hard keeping up with all these shows!!! I'll try and pop by more often.

JAK said...

@ yada.....kale..... :-((((