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Adam Lambert **Moment** On The Grammys "E Live From The Red Carpet"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, February 8, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, February 08, 2015

Well, as @Mal23692've gotta start somewhere.....  :)))

An Adam Lambert "sighting" from E Live On the Red Carpet From the Grammys

And the front view...

NOTE: Adam wasn't actually AT the Grammys.. (He's recuperating from severe bronchitis in Italy right now..., after being ordered to bed rest by a doctor, which unfortunately necessitated a cancellation of the Queen + Adam Lambert Concert in Brussels today)...but his picture was shown with two others (first from the back..) with a question about "Which of these is up for a Grammy this year...?"..  We know that Adam has been a Grammy nominee in the past, for "Whataya Want From Me" in 2010.. 

So let's see if he is nominated again NEXT year... New music coming soon with "The Original High" album this summer, new single in April...

His good friend and (fan!), American Idol Pianist, Arranger, and Musical Director, Michael Orland, is rooting for Adam to be on the Grammys next year: (As are we all!)

Thanks for the tip about the "E Live From The Red Carpet" tweets!! From our Adam Lambert 24/7 reader @Draculka CZ 


nancdruuu2 said...


Anonymous said...

They also showed the front of Adam too; in his concert rocker outfit. H looked better both front and back. I knew right away from the back that it was our sexy Adam.

Get well soon beautiful man. Next year will be your turn when the best singer in the universe will be picking up his Grammey or Grammeys, if fairness rules!!!

Sending light and love!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How sexy is he? Get well soon dear one!

I will try to watch some of this; as long as it does not interfere with my favorite shows!

JAK said...

Even just a glimpse of the a**
Shows the guys got class!

Unknown said...

There is the front view:

I hope that it is complete. I am going to sleep now... 8^DDD

Anonymous said...

I like to hear the word Domination!!:) Take care BB and listen to your doctors!!!!:) Don't be stubborn you hear me!!!:) The world needs your magnificent voice indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Not the best picture I have seen of Adams booty. The whole thing is silly any way. I have no interest in his booty or crotch, or any other stars.

donna w said...


JAK said...

What's wrong with silly? Real life is grim enough lately, let's enjoy a little silly when we can.

Anonymous said...

5:30 right on!!

yada said...

Amen! Glad someone said, it.

Thank you, JAK. :)

.... Carry on, carry on... As if nothing really matters... ;)

Anonymous said...

The Year of the Booty! Oh, hang on, dare I say KK made that famous last year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Drakulka CZ.

I like the pants on the lass in the middle but definitely not the top.

Anonymous said...

@4:46 Hahaha

glitzylady said...

It's good to have fun and be a little silly once in a while.. :)))

And the real point of the matter is, Adam was shown on this show...

Promotion and exposure.... Keeping his name out there...

It's not just about his nice bootie.. but I can suffer through having to look at it.. I suspect he's pretty proud of it actually... Because he looks GREAT!!!!!


otexbert said...

Max Martin got producer of the year!!! Yeah!

Dee R Gee said...

I love his booty! I love his sexiness! I love sharing it all here with everyone. And yes, JAK, hooray for silliness! Life is too short to waste it.

Unknown said...

Good morning again - video on YouTube:

And that wish from Gloria Gaynor - I´ve seen somewhere the original but I cań t find it:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, the explanation.

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

Yes, 8:37... Yes, It's a good one! :)

Glad the admins and folks here show the care and take extra of their valuable time to share details and explanations and their own thoughts with us.

They do such a fabulous job!

I really get very tired of criticism and negativity towards others here; in particular the admins... and glitzylady. I choose positive recognition of this wonderful meeting place and the people who work to bring things here, make it a quality fan site and explain things - Yes, even to the HILT - if necessary - and as THEY see fit.

As I've earnestly suggested before... If people don't like the style of this blog... not someone's cup of tea... and the way admins care to run it...
I say, please move on to another more palatable place for you and your liking.

The rest of us love it. AND the "explanations" (ie: her own valuable ideas & thoughts, opinions) are just great.

Thank you, glitzylady! :)

yada said...

One more thing...
My comments are also regarding each one of the so-called "explanations" from Adam's fans here...
Aka: Their ideas, thoughts, opinions.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see input from all the fans here. Just because one person likes something doesn't mean others do. We should be able to say if we do or don't like something. Someone may have an opinion that improves the site.

BTW, I had to reread one paragraph of glitzylady's explanation three times to understand it. Just because we love her doesn't mean her writing is always impeccable.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:01 PM
My apologies for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

If people say they don't like or don't agree with something that's posted on the site or what someone else says, they're usually screamed at. :-(

Anonymous said...

Better get out the violins so many whiny people on this thread. Waa waaa

Anonymous said...

10:55 PM, totally agree :(

Lots of talk of everybody gets an opinion and of tolerance but little practice in reality.

Anonymous said...

Rudeness. Lots of that too.

yada said...

And trolls. Unfortunately, lots of those, too. And people who criticize others here instead of discussing the subject & purpose of this website: Adam Lambert.

Opinions can be offered - even differing ones - in kinder, respectful ways (without critical or "snarky" tones). Much more beneficial, IMHO.... Assuming that is the intent.

Positive, beneficial conversation about this amazingly talented, and extraordinary performer and person, anyone?
(Along with his devoted fans & the outstanding admins who bring great info about him here?)

Anonymous said...

I admit to being bias when it comes to Adam; but, I also, admit to telling the un bias truth; even when I don't like someone.

My opinion is that there was no one as sexy and as handsome and stylish as Adam Lambert at the Grammys. Don't even get me started on the most talented.

I just pictured Adam singing, "Save Me". I sure hope his upcoming album, "THE ORIGINAL HIGH", has so many gems on it, that it just can't be denied recognition. I also hope it gets a lot of radio play.

I don't know if it was just me; but the Grammys does not seem as prestigious as it once was. Seems like the older stars from the past seem to knock it out of the ball park.

It actually seemed as though I was watching the American Music Awards!! That is not meant as a compliment. Same old song and dance!

In my opinion; anything that Adam Lambert puts out; would have to be just as good if not better than what was on tonight. Adam would also bring glamor back!!

God save the Queen and Adam Lambert!!!!!

Next award shows, Adam Lambert to the rescue!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@yada, amen sister!

My personal highlight of the Grammys last night was Annie Lennox singing "I put a spell on you". Truly bada**! Now that's a performer.


Dee R Gee said...

yada, you said it very well. Differences of opinion is fine. But some people always feel compelled to be nasty about it. It's hard to have your opinion accepted when you're insulting and demeaning to others. I don't know why that's so hard to figure out.

As for the admins' "explanations," I have no problem understanding them and I usually find them pretty helpful, esp. when there is some background that I wouldn't have known otherwise. Our admins put lots of time and effort into keep this site working well. Bravo!

Rosepetal said...

Well I don'thave anything insightful to add the conversation. But I would like to say, that silly of not I'm always in for a glimpse of Adam's rear end. What can I say, I'm not spring chicken any more and I gotta enjoy the simple pleasures when I get the chance.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam got to see that segment on E!.

Anonymous said...

Well I think that glitzylady has the patience of four saints; to tolerate some of this nonsense! I guess that is why someone like her is doing the administration of this sight; and not someone like me!!

Glitzylady, thank you for all you do. You are doing an excellent job in my opinion. Keep up the great work. The site is so much more pleasant to come to than before the needed changes!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so beautiful, so talented, and so missed last night at the Grammy Awards. So happy for Max Martin!!

Get well soon beautiful man; but, always remember your health and well being always comes first; no matter what!!

Nice to see Nile there. I really enjoyed Annie Lennox!

Curious, does Ryan own or produce this too? Man is everywhere and seems to own everything, I alredy know about Idol. Good for him!!!
Also, he has more control about what is played on his show than he lets on. Iheart is his also. Come on Ryan, don't forget about Adam this year!!

Anonymous said...

7:47 AM, Ryan doesn't own iHeartRadio. iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel) owns iHeartRadio. Ryan's radio show is syndicated with them. They also have a stake in Ryan's production company. Bottom line, iHeart is not his, he works for them. He doesn't own Idol either.

Anonymous said...

I, like 7:47 AM, thinks that Ryan does have a lot of pull with these enities; I don't know how many shares that he has in them.

I personally don't think he owns them either; but, I think he has lots of pull. Although, none of us can speak with much authority; because we don't really know.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Ryan may be a media mogul but he doesn't own iHeart or Clear Channel. It's easy to Google.

Anonymous said...

annkpowers @annkpowers
sorry! in my excitement re @samsmithworld I failed to credit @adamlambert, nominated in 2011, tho not for a top 3 award. Still an Adam fan!

annkpowers @annkpowers
I stand corrected ! RT @filmgeek12: Sam Smith is not the first mainstream singer to be out from his first album on. #AdamLambert”

Anonymous said...

Linda Holmes @nprmonkeysee
Sam Smith is the weighted average of everything that has ever won a Grammy. #NPRGrammys

Anonymous said...

Stephen Thompson @idislikestephen ·
I get that it's a hit, but "Stay With Me" could have been written by an iPhone app. (And Tom Petty, I guess.) #NPRgrammys

Anonymous said...

Malcolm's tweet:
"Adam’s butt at the Grammys was the first part of the Warner Bros. masterplan for Adam domination. You gotta start somewhere."

ROTFL!!!! YES!! Adam's the perfect male specimen and it's stupid not to sell his sex appeal!!