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Adam Lambert Uk release of single will be 6 weeks later than US

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, February 5, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, February 05, 2015


Anonymous said...

I can only hope that it is promoted properly over here this time unlike For Your Entertainment and What do You Want a From Me. Hopefully there will be more radio play this time as a result of all of the great reviews we have given him for the UK concerts and the New Years Eve gig

Anonymous said...

I think it's going to take more than that. Most of the people I know don't even know about the UK NewYears performance or about the touring. US, Asia or Eur. With Queen. We Glamberts are inside the Adam Lambert bubble so we are aware, most of the US isn't. : (

Anonymous said...

Speaking from a UK perspective only I don't agree, prior to the New Ywars Eve performance he wasn't known at all over here, he has a much higher profile now and all of the UK venues for the tour are sold out, so hopefully his record company will capitalise on this and pull out all the stops when it comes to promotion of the single - we can live in hope :-)

Unknown said...

BBC couldn´t do more promo for NYE concert because they knew that the rights hadn´t been solved. They had fear that it should be stopped. Brian have said that. But it is true that no special promo is here - not in my country. I haven´t seen a commercial, most people don´t know Adam and his CD are not in shops. But the Prague concert is sold-out.

Lam-My said...

I have this sneaky feeling we may be able to have a sneak preview of his new single at the last QAL concert...why not, it's not going to jeopardise Queen, who would have reaped their full bumper harvest by then. I remember Brian once said they want to help Adam with his own music. QAL has given him a huge showcasing platform in Europe.

Anonymous said...

No way.

Anonymous said...

No way what???? Explain please!

Anonymous said...

@3:21 PM

Well, those of us who call ourselves Glamberts; and other fans have a whole lot of work to do for our man! Get ready, get set; GO!!!!!!

After all; that's what real fans are for!!!!! We can't afford to fall down on the job now!!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing we can do for Adam is buy his music and go to the concert as much as we can!!!:))) Crazy but it's worth it he!he!


Lam-My said...

I've come to know Sir Brian has cast his gaze on the political arena; Mmm might work as he is one helluva instinctive manager, like the way he runs QAL; down to the last towel, or note that Adam sings; but instinctively he lets Adam take the reins as far as stage and song/item arrangements go. Not sure if Sir Brian is crafty enough for the political arena but if that is his calling, he will rise to the occasion (no pun). lwl!

Anonymous said...

There are fans that work tirelessly for Adam; just ask the Starlighters over on Adam Official!!

Can't wait until the Album release; but there is always something to do to promote our man; if one so desires!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, and if someone can't; as Adam sings, "Get Outta My Way!

Anonymous said...

It's a Queen concert and as Adam has said to those who've asked if he will sing song/s of his own on the tour, he's singing Queen songs only. He will have many, many opportunities to sing his own songs.