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Onet.muzyka: Brian May Interview - Article & Video!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Sunday, February 15, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wonderful feature piece by Polish website Onet.muzyka in advance of the concert in Krakow later this month, which is not only an article, translated below, but a video interview with Brian, who talks about all things Queen which includes a section about the genesis of "Queen + Adam Lambert," with Dr. May providing a lot of lovely praise for Adam.

ONET.MUZYKA: We were not looking for a new Freddie. And then, suddenly appeared...
(writer uncredited)
via Google Translate and ImTranslate

"I've often said this, but really we weren't looking for a singer." - Brian May says when asked about the invitation to Queen of Adam Lambert. "So we don't spend our time looking around for a new Freddie. [...] Suddenly, there is this guy there who can sing all these Queen songs and how!" - He explains.

Video interview of Brian is inserted at this point in the article; however, as there is no apparent way to embed it here, you will have to go to the original site to view it.  Please click link at the end of this post.

Recently released the album "Queen Forever" unusual medley of songs the band. Instead of well-known and lubionych(?) hits, hit her songs about love, new versions of classics team, as well as some unreleased gems, among others, common song Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson.

In an extensive interview on the occasion of the release plate, Brian May says the process of working on the album, as well as the originals songs, talks about meeting Freddie and Michael Jackson, fighting AIDS Foundation, which supports the group, as well as the first guitar, which he built himself.

"One day Freddie met with Michael Jackson, probably in his house, where there was a small studio. They went into the studio and Freddie suggested to try to work on this song. Michael for a moment, the song became familiar with what's going on in unused material. This is ended. the song indeed leaked, circulated on the network poor quality video cassette with two versions of the song "- so May says work on the song" There Must Be More to Life than this ".

Also explains how he got the idea to reactivate the group with Adam Lambert.

"I've often said this, but really we weren't looking for a singer.  I think we're all happy in our lives, we do our thing, our lives are full.  So we don't spend our time looking around for a new Freddie
why would we need to do that?  Suddenly, there is this guy there who can sing all these Queen songs and how! with an incredible range.  He also has a great personality, he's a natural entertainer, he's naturally camp he doesn't need to attempt to be that he's naturally funny and light, he's incredibly entertaining to an audience. "- says May.

February 21 group Queen and Adam Lambert will perform in the hall Kraków Arena. Tickets cost from 210 are already on sale.


Lam-My said...

I got to the Queen and Michael Jackson song 'There Must Be More Than Life Than This'...There were two extremely high notes in the song and neither singer brought them out to their full capacity. Well, Adam...why don't you revive this's meaningful with a stark message. Yea Brian's familiar 'eerie' guitar made its stamp.

Lam-My said...

Krackow reminds me of Pope John Paul who returned for a visit to his country folks.

Lam-My said...

Should be.....'There Must Be More To Life...'

Lam-My said...

Wow! Just watched, I Want To Break Free and Somebody To Love...Adam is back with a vengeance; not only did he slaughter that Tooooo...note in broad daylight er nightlight, he piled on another Lovaoove...note. Now Adam is very funny, he opens his mouth in awe of his Tooooo note as if to say Whoa! I did it! lol! The audience now expects the Tooooo note and cheers him on in advance. These Danes are a rather appreciative audience.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting interview. Thanks for posting the link, broddybounce.

Anonymous said...

I read the interview and comments . . Freddie has passed and if you are looking for him on stage . . he's not there . .open your minds and enjoy or don't go.

broddybounce said...

@6:16am: I think you put that quite eloquently. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone! :) I have been reading this article, also the comments. I'm from Poland and I'm 21.
These comments just make me feel much shame for Poles. -,-
But I don't think if we should pay attention on these opinions. They have been written by people who don't know much about music, voice types, etc. Most of them are just Queen fanatics.
Of course, Freddie was an excellent legendary vocalist. But that doesn't mean we should stop appreciate others.
Adam also has amazing voice and such huge voice range. He does very well in rock, even tho he is a tenor.
Adam has lots of fans in Poland as well as Queen. Most of normal polish Queen fans appreciate Adam.
Some fanatics or jelaous people will always babbling...unluckily. These who know what really good voice is will always appreciate.
They complain "it's not Queen anymore", that Adam has a different voice and interprete the songs his own way. But I bet if he tried to sing just like Freddie, look, or act, it would be THE SAME. Anyway, onet muzyka is a shit section with stupid journalists and people so let's forget about it. :D
I regret so much I can't go to this concert on Saturday. But I hope there will be a chance someday. :-)

Hugs 4 u all, Kasia.

Unknown said...

*I meant that if he tried to do everything like Freddie, they would complain too. ;)