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Pre-Concert Feature Story: Steuttgarter-Zeitung: "Who Is Adam Lambert?"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, February 14, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, February 14, 2015

credit: APA as posted on
This is an earlier feature story we missed in Stuttgart's main newspaper, Steuttgarter-Zeitung, pre-concert...

Steuttgarter-Zeitung: Who Is Adam Lambert?
by Jan Georg Plavec
via Google Translate

On Friday, the band Queen will perform at Stuttgart Schleyer Halle - with Adam Lambert as the front man. Adam who? We have listened to us the replacement Freddie Mercury times.

Stuttgart - From the rock band Queen might have already heard. Where Freddy Mercury unfortunately is already more than 23 years dead and the archive material for posthumous hits definitely did not extend to the present, but only until 1995 on the album "Made in Heaven".

So what to do? The Queen guitarist Brian May was definitely too young at Mercury's death only 44 and for Rockstar retired life, drummer Roger Taylor was really only 42. Queen also have so many hits for eternity created that you can easily continue to tour with it through the world can. 2014 and 2015, the band consistently sold out venues on the go, on Friday it comes to Stuttgart - as "Queen + Adam Lambert".

Only: who is bitteschön(?) Adam Lambert?

Adam Lambert is the current singer of Queen. 33 years old, American singer and actor. Lambert came in second place at the US talent show "American Idol" in 2009 to show business and has since produced several albums that have been quite successful in the US, however, more than just managed in Europe in the charts, each on average places. With Queen, he sang 2009 "American Idol" in 2011 then again at the European Music Awards and as a result of individual concerts. Since the early summer of 2014 he is (with breaks) with Queen on a world tour.

But Adam Lambert is also a good substitute for Freddie Mercury? "Adam Lambert impresses with a similar vocal range as the legendary Freddie Mercury, which resurrects the songs brilliantly" says the press release. What is truth?

And it sounds

Let's hear it out. Six years ago, in the preliminary competition on "American Idol" singing Lambert a few seconds of Queen's classic "Bohemian Rhapsody" - unplugged and before the selection panel. That sounded promising, his "We are the Champions" in the final Lambert wore a tremolo-heavy version before and already with Queen as a band.

Now the Queen songs are mostly developed in the seventies and eighties, as many of rock music meant something different than it is today. Your undoubtedly outstanding songs play Queen but to date, and a new singer can help to not make it look too museum. "I'm singing his own, but do not remove me too much of Freddie's style," says Adam Lambert. It sounds something like this:

For rock music includes the performance, the image that you turn on the stage. You should remember therefore: as Freddie Mercury died in 1991 from AIDS, the world was in dealing with homosexuality and HIV is not as much as today. Adam Lambert live gay open. His wild make-up, the gaudy outfits and the way he moves on stage, from the masses today certainly better understood than it would have been the case at the Freddie Mercury times.

Lambert dares even more explicit performances: during his performance at the American Music Award 2009 as he making out with the keyboardist. The public criticism countered Lambert in the BBC. He said he was not aware apologized for the kiss, "because I did not feel that they have done something wrong. ... It's just a kiss! "

New is not planned

In the best case, a young singer like Adam Lambert brings a new tonality in the Queen song. Writing new material and publish date is obviously not planned - to present the old songs live even in 2015 is worth from her public response yet and probably have queen already enough to do to manage their own heritage.

But a deficiency can not resolve the best singer: It has the Queen hits quite often the original version in the ear, but at the same time, what did in several decades of global labor numerous cover bands it. Will say: Even with an ever so good replacement Freddie Mercury Queen can only sound like their own cover band.

It will be interesting to see if the retirement age but much closer gerückten original band members Adam Lambert will go as a front man to retire. Your previous Freddie Mercury spare men did not remain faithful to the band: Paul Rodgers could mimic the Mercury only from 2004 to 2009. Elton John, George Michael and Michael Pras were already, Lady Gaga did not want. Where: In August 2014, the singer was in Sydney on the song "Another one bites the dust" a guest appearance.



Anonymous said...

This reviewer seems NOT to have favored the "audacity" of Adam in the QAL role from the very beginning. He is entitled to his interesting perceptions AND opinions. However the famous African proverb prevails: "where there are many voices, nothing goes wrong." And "the many voices" are more than pleased that QUEEN'S music has been brought back to life via QAL. Adam is bringing much joy to thousands and thousands (including Brian and Roger and the other band members!)

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam Lambert was a star before American Idol. It would be more interesting and informative if the "Who is Adam Lambert" story included more about our singing prodigy. He has had such a huge performing history from the tender age of 10.

Anonymous said...

These online translations create so many misunderstandings, inaccuracies and very often do no favors to Adam or Queen or the writers of these articles (although they can create some hilarious moments too, like the famous 'banana case', lol!)

The words "replace" or "replacement" are most often used by people who cannot or are not ready "to live in the now" re Queen and their music. Who still feel that anyone else singing Queen songs except Freddie is trying to do something that can't be done... Wish someone could get through to those people and say, no one can replace a dead person, let alone a dead legend (whose early death makes this legend even bigger and shinier). No one's trying to replace Freddie, please try to accept that and let the living and active (!!!!!) Queen members go on with their careers, bring joy & spread the fabulous Queen music through several generations - and be happy that in Adam they have the best possible singer to celebrate the legacy and do a superb job as the Queen lead vocalist, a GENUINELY hard working, humble, yet totally original multitalented guy, prancing on his own two feet (those legs!) and bringing several pairs of his own boots to the show (latest addition, the fab sneakers included)! :)))))

I'm not trying to convince that everybody should love Adam - luckily more and more people, also from the press, have found out themselves how fabulous Adam is by attending these concerts - I'm just hoping the 'celebrating Queen & honouring Freddie' spirit would catch on with the purists, sceptics andcynics, too. One would think watching the faces of Brian and Roger alone would be enough to convince anybody...If not, look at and listen to the whole band and it's current frontman! Don't tell me that does not sound Queen at their most joyous best!!!

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM, Adam wasn't a star before Idol.

Anonymous said...

I think they show too many Freddie clips. Why does this need to be a tribute show? I loved Freddie but he has been gone more than 20 years, this is a concert of Queen music and a new frontman singing it. Having him on screen is maudlin.

coloforadam said...

This is an Adam Lambert site, right? I can say this and not be scringed and squawked, right? Here goes....shhhh...Adam is better...Better...BETTER!!! (than anyone, past or present)!! WHY is it so hard for that to be recognized and heralded!! Jeeesh!! He should not be compared with ANYONE, in ANYONE's shadow and not backing away while ANYONE's image is blown up in the background. I just can't read anymore of those mincing reviews, like they are SO afraid to admit that their mouths dropped open when he kicked it up to the level that is all his own!! His voice is PERFECT, he is GORGEOUS to look at we all ought to be bowing down and kissing his high-heeled, boot jacked feet that he is willing to put up with this whiney nonsense so that we can get to keep seeing him!!! .....cuz I sure can't imagine the heart and soul of my life if he wasn't in it>>>>>>SO THERE!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:32 AM

I beg to differ with you; Adam Lambert was born a star. He definitely is a star in his own right. Who is to say who is a star and who isn't. Just because some bad singer has millions of so called twitter followers; possibly bought by the record companies; does not make them a star!

Adam is a star with a capital S. Adam is The Original Star.

Thank you 7:02 AM recognizing this!!! By the way; Idol just gave him the exposure he needed!

Anonymous said...

Some of these writers seem to resent the obvious fact that Adam is so darn good; they just can't or don't want to believe it. They try to throw him in a bag with all the other singers that had the honor to sing with Queen. Saying that Lady Ga ga did not want the job. Who is he trying to kid?

Adam is the best; they should just listen to Brian and Roger!! So intimidated are some of these small minded writers!

funbunn40 said...

Adam & Queen are brilliant! They very carefully & thoughtfully realized that they needed to address the fanatic Freddie fans ire at anyone trying to sing their Idol's songs. They chose to appease and reassure them that Adam was not competing with Freddie, but celebrating him with his own interpretation. I understand the strategy & think if there are future tours, it no longer will be necessary. I also want it to be all about Adam, but It was important that Adam be heard and accepted and this most certainly was accomplished. They did their groundwork and it paid off with sold out tour and the acceptance of Adam. who just needed to be heard without prejudice. I love it being all about Adam, but I think they were smart, doing it exactly as they did.