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Queen FB Post: Message From Roger & Brian

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, February 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, February 09, 2015

The same message has now also been posted on...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if he's gonna be okay for tomorrow show :/

Anonymous said...


Doing all we can to make sure Adam recovers in time to complete our tour?

Is Adam sicker than we realize?

Anonymous said...

@10:26 AM

I wondered about their wording also. Who cares about the darn tour; as long as Adam gets completely well!

There will always be tours; and disappointments. That is life. Adam's physical and vocal health is much more important than anything!!!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Any "regular" person who doesn't sing for a living And who has acute bronchitis would probably be told by the doctor to NOT strain their voice for at least a week. I can't imagine that Adam will be ready for Milan. Those vocal cords are worth millions. Literally.

CT said...

I'm also surprised by the use of the word "shocked". Bri and Roger already did a press release on the cx of the Brussels concert with their explanation and apologies.

I hope Adam is recuperating well.....nothing is worth risking his health. We'll soon find out if he's able to do the Milan concert or not. Hope he's sensible about this:)))

yada said...
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Anonymous said...

Maybe they are prepping people for another cancelation.

yada said...

I agree Dee R Gee & CT...

Recovery from bronchitis (especially severe) in a "normal" person can take a week just to sound better talking wise.... longer for singing due to inflamation and phlegm.

Having said that.... On a positive note, Adam likely has access and availability to the very best in medical care (that, perhaps "normal" persons don't always have), medical procedures and techniques that can be utilized for professional singers that may constitute options more common for touring artists than "regular" people.....

Hoping that is the case. :)

Adam has probably been obeying doctors orders on vocal rest and not talking, hopefully.... (Whereas, most of us "normals" don't always have that luxury).
He may have quite a leg up in this bronchitis thing.

At any rate..... I so agree with all here that Adam's health is número uno. Imho, I believe Bri and Roger feel that way, too. I'm thinking the statement: "we're doing all we can ..." may mean, perhaps, that they aren't taxing Adam and allowing him to rest, etc....

My hope, anyway..... :)))

Not quite sure what to think about "shocked".... Maybe Bri & Roger weren't aware that Adam had severe bronchitis (thought it may have been just a cold) and was shocked at the situation?

yada said...

.... Could be the case, 11:41am.

Anonymous said...

Bronchitis affects the lungs, not the vocal cords. He should be over most of it in a couple of days. It is the cough that can linger. No worries about his voice.

Anonymous said...

I feel nervous thinking of the sceptics who may be upset at Adam for this cancellation. I read a few comments on Queen's fb and had to close it out. Some people can be so harsh and hateful. I just hope the majority are understanding.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous@3:08: Actually, the amount of love and support for Adam on the Queen site after the announcement of his illness was overwhelming, IMO. Yes, there were definitely some hateful remarks- and apparently you saw some of them. But believe me, plenty of people jumped in to show their support for him. They overshadowed the rude and hateful remarks by far. I was rather encouraged by that, because I was afraid of the same thing, too, at first.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reassureance Anon 3:45. I have never cared like this or worried for any other celebrity. It has never mattered to me how popular anyone else is. But, With Adam that's all changed.

yada said...

Hi 4:20 :).....

Man oh man, yes... I think a lot of us can say that, too and definitely relate to what you commented. I've never been much of a celebrity watcher .... Or "fan" of anyone, so to speak....
Until Adam Lambert came along.

I know exactly how you feel!

.... Resistance was futile ;-)

yada said...

So good to hear that he is receiving support, 3:45pm.... Particularly from Queenies. :)))

Anonymous said...

Same here y'all.
Never been an avid fan of anyone except Adam, only Adam.
I am utterly so fond of this man.
Been praying for his healing and for his success all the time.