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Adam Lambert Included In "The Unholy [And Glorious!!] Legion Of Closet Gingers"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, March 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 19, 2015

Here's a bit of Adam Lambert trivia: 

Adam Lambert is featured along with the likes of Nicole Kidman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ewan McGregor, Jessica Chastain, etc.. etc.. in the linked article (below) "The Unholy Legion of Closet Gingers"..

Adam's not so bad as a natural ginger/strawberry blonde :)) In fact he's gorgeous as always..

Note: The first 2 pics are not Adam's true hair color, as some have mentioned in the comments, but they're great pics... 

 Pre-Idol pic (above): During Adam's time in "Wicked" in LA

                       Ginger Adam Lambert in 2006

And complete cutie pie ginger Adam as a child, circa 1988 or so:

And then there's Adam as a platinum silver/blond in 2012:

And last but not least, Adam Lambert's tall, dark and handsome look (or at least for the moment..) here seen on the American Idol New York City Auditions for the current season (filmed in Sept. 2014)..


(From The Blot Magazine)


"The new Queen frontman is well-known for his raven locks, guy-liner and edgy androgynous fashion choices, but one of his best kept secrets is that he’s a full-on redhead....."

The Unholy Legion Of Closet Gingers (Link to article)


Dee R Gee said...

I remember someone saying that the first picture was photo-shopped to make his hair look really. Don't know about the second. I don't think Adam's natural hair color is a fiery red. I think it's more of a reddish-blond. He's colored it tons of times since he was young. I don't think he'll ever go back to its real natural color. JMO. He's very handsome regardless.

Dee R Gee said...

First line, I meant "really red."

glitzylady said...

@Dee R Gee
Yeah I know those aren't his natural hair color (it's more a strawberry blond..) but I liked the pictures :))

Anonymous said...

I'd never call Adam's fashion choices androgynous.

Anonymous said...

Has Adam gone under the radar again? He hasn't posted on his IG for 5 days. The Promo must have been done on Sunday, because of the time difference. Is he just quietly working out every day and staying home? Or is he taking a Spring break somewhere? It's odd that he tweeted for us to check out his Australian promo now, it's almost old news.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, neither of the adult redheaded pictures are Adam's natural hair color. The second one is mid-process going from dark to blond for a theatre role. I don't think Adam's seen his natural hair color in well over 10 years, although it is probably closer now than it's been in ages, a kind of soft auburnish brown. Adam's hair is the same natural color as his dad's-- strawberry blond.

Anonymous said...

That article is funny and cleverly written, I like it. It pokes fun a bit, but in a silly way. And me thinks dear Adam may have more in common with McGregor than red hair... If I caught the drift of the author correctly ;)

Lori said...

Isn't it obvious his boyfriend's 30th birthday is coming up...he's most likely headed there.

Anonymous said...

gingers have no soul

Anonymous said...

Adam's black/dark hair is my fave.

Anonymous said...

3:05 PM
Ewan McGregor is married with 4 daughters. He's played a vast number & variety of acting roles including, as I understand it, gay characters.

Anonymous said...

@March 20, 2015 at 3:34 AM

Wasn't talking about Ewan's sexual orientation in any way, shape or form, either in films or real life. (I would never say that two or more people were similar or shared commonalities based on their sexual orientation only, that would be ridiculous). Read the article again, it really isn't too difficult to pick up on the suggestion the author is making about Ewan, and the silly comparison I made to Adam.

Anonymous said...

5:15 am, just spit it out for those of us who don't get it.