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Adam Lambert Voted Most Eligible Bachelor

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Who's the most dateable gay celebrity in all the land?
Out readers voted rocker Adam Lambert the Most Eligible Bachelor for the second year in a row with more than 20% of the total votes. The American Idol fave recently announced the title of his upcoming album, The Original High, and the fact that its lead single is due out in April.
To put things in perspective, Clay Aiken came in second on the list, followed by Chris Salvatore, Johnny Weir, and Tyler Oakley. Out's audience has pretty random tastes, no?
Rounding out the top 10 are Jonathan Groff, Ricky Martin, Steve Grand, Lee Pace, and Troye Sivan. So... we're all just going to pretend Lee Pace is openly gay and no doubt totally comfortable about his inclusion on this list, eh? Cool, sounds good.


Unknown said...

Of course Adam was voted "Most Eligible Bachelor". No-brainer!! I love that Adam is on top of the world right now. Praise coming from all corners of the media world.


xo laura

Anonymous said...

This has been posted before.

Lam-My said...

This picture is made up of three exciting colours, very fierce red, black and greyish blue. Technically and artistically, the best Adam photo, flawless, just the right amount of lighting and the squatting position and a wondering expression add to the intrique. Also the complex octagram+enneagram tattoo captures one's mind's eye. Adam's Self and handsomeness shine above it all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, enneagrams make me feel all tingly.