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Awesome Fan art!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 19, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, March 19, 2015


Anonymous said...

This is lame. I don't think Adam would like this either.

leilani Aloha said...

haaahaaaa,,,,,,,cute n funny:):):)
Artist sure captures Adam's sexy eyes:)

Anonymous said...

Very funny lol

Anonymous said...

What a cute cartoon! Adam has a good sense of humor, as do most of his Glam Nation! I think Adam would find this cartoon of himself hilarious!!!

That's what cartoonist do, they blow things way out of portion in a funny way!! Relax, just a cartoon; and a funny one at that!!! In my opinion!!

Anonymous said...

Only a true fan would capture the cuteness of the situation, and take the time to express the comedy of it all in a drawing.

What a talented artist, and humorist to boot! I hope Adam gets to see it; I bet it will crack him up. Cuteness over load!
All in good fun!

glitzylady said...

I LOVE it!!! This fan has such a great sense of fun.. I PERSONALLY think Adam would love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Go away, Negative Nellie.....just go away!!!!

LOVE all of her artwork through the years...VERY, very talented!!

Anonymous said...

Very entertaining - just like Adam, the true entertainer!
I'm sure Tom of Finland would appreciate Sammie-Ma's art, too!

Anonymous said...

Super Cool!!! LOVE IT!!!!! Hope someone tweets it to Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Skilled cartooning! Awesome subject :)

yada said...

She is very talented! I enjoy so enjoy her drawings.

Happy she adores Adam so we can be blessed with her artwork about him! :)))))