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Comparison: July 2014 VS March 2015!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

Looks the same to me. PERFECT and totally HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks fine in each picture.

Lam-My said...

That's the true meaning of, in the pink of health; the body and spirit in tandem. The 2015 picture shows an increase in muscle at the shoulders, chest and arms; so it took him a whole year from 2014, he looked pretty solid then already. I wonder if he might go shirtless with tight black leather pants in Rio and then rock yells...get on your bike and riiide ! Oooh-la-la!

Unknown said...

He is proud of his body and has every right to be, a lot of hard work. Loved him before and love him now. Hot, hot ,hot!

funbunn40 said...

He looked so fine before, but the increased muscle definition and inviting chest is the steak sauce on the prime beef! Adam is so fit, as was demonstrated on the Queen tour wity his boundless energy & exceptional muscle controlled moves. He looks healthy and happy. So smart to take such good care of his voice and body. He is truly gifted & a fine work of art

Jadam NZ said...

Me to Vicky, he has worked hard and he looks great, I'm happy he is happy and doing so well. Beautiful being.

Anonymous said...

Creepy. I wouldn't want people comparing my photos together like that and ogling them.

Lam-My said...

Funbunn.....That ain't no 'steak sauce''s prime juicy sirloin. lwl!

yada said...
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yada said...

@10:41....Good thing you won't have to worry about that happening then.

yada said...
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yada said...

He looks incredibly appealing in all of them!! Loving the newer studly "chiseled" look... And he is a handsome hunk in the other one, too. Beyond sexy....

Throughout all his transitions and changes over these last few years....

Adam has been and remains a bona fide knockout.


Anonymous said...

Why can't you just accept somebody's opinion without a snarky response? That is one of the problems here.

Anonymous said...

Looks the same to me too.

Anonymous said...

12:29 AM

Anonymous said...

12:29 AM
You made a snarky remark about people here admiring Adam's pictures and taking notice of his good-looks from his workouts. You called what we were doing "creepy" and "ogling". That is not being accepting of other's opinions here, without a snarky response. That is probably why Yada did it. Please don't be hypocritical anymore. Please be respectful of others when you give your opinion. And you probably won't receive the kind of response Yada gave.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks really good both ways. I hope Adam feels that even if he looses definition we will still think he looks great and still drool over his pictures. He's probably making these modifications with his body and his trainer for himself and his own personal satisfaction. Still, I hope he knows.

Anonymous said...

And I love the muscle shirt on him in all three photos!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert you are beautiful inside out and don't give a damn what people think he!he! Can't wait for your first single this year!!!:) C'mon April!!!


Anonymous said...

5:10 AM, first, I am not the same person who left the creepy comment. Second, even if that person was being snarky (though it doesn't fit the definition of snarky) that doesn't make it okay for yada to be snarky as well. It just perpetuates the trouble. Third, your comment is just talking in circles. You can't accept someone else's opinion because you think they didn't accept yours. Who is going to be the first to stop, to let someone else's differing opinion stand without being snarky or mean?

Anonymous said...

Hi 6:02, I'm 5:10. Sorry about thinking you were the one who left the "creepy" comment.

I say let's all follow your advice and stay respectful when we offer our opinions. We probably won't have any issues here.
Sounds good, and thank you.

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I mean this in a nice way, how about we move on from here, get back OT and talk about Adam Lambert? :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree Canadian. Adam has always been gorgeous! He never has to worry about what we think. Or what anyone else thinks.
Bring on Era3!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks great both ways to me. He has a natural swimmer's body. Big shoulders, slim hips....lucky guy.

Dee R Gee said...

6:33, I agree that he has a naturally well-proportioned body to begin with. He had years when he was heavier but even then, his proportion was good. The slimmer, fitter Adam just emphasizes that beautiful body. Tall, with slim hips, broad shoulders, well-proportioned chest, masculine muscular legs, strong neck and jawline. Michelangelo would have loved Adam for a sculpture model.

yada said...

Perfectly stated, Dee R Gee! You described Adam to a tee. :))

.... And, considering Michelangelo isn't able to take advantadge of the opportunity to have Adam model for sculpture.... I would imagine there are many of artistic fans willing to oblige. ;-D

JAK said...

I will volunteer.....I did a lot of sculpting in my younger days, but my hands are still in good shape.....however Adam would have to be willing and I might need to spend a lot of time with him......oh well, I'm not busy these days.

Would a nice figure about 2 to 3 ft. high be okay? I don't do life size.......

Rosepetal said...

I'll take a double order either way:)

Dee R Gee said...

JAK, put me down for one, too. Just promise to keep a tape recorder (or hidden camera) turned on during the sculpting process. I can just imagine the banter between you and Adam as he is posing. Priceless!

Kath said...

I think its funny how cut off, holey, strings hanging pants are acceptable as fashion today. There fun to wear. I know my local Goodwill would look at me sideways if I tried to donate something like that. LOL :) Hey I am a child of the 70's and you can imagine what we used to wear!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He always looked fantastic. However I do see a difference. His shoulders are broad but his arms and heat are really well developed now. The waste looks more defined and those hips. He looks great.

Anonymous said...

It must feel so good to Adam to have such wonderful adoring fans, who are forever singing his praises; and this wonderful beautiful man deserves all of this and even more!!!!!!

I hope this year brings him all the wonderful recognition that his one in a billion talents deserve.

I hope to God he will be get the awards he has always deserved for his hard work and outstanding vocals, and amazing delivery of them!!

I have a feeling we aint seen nothing yet, I just feel the best is yet to come!! TOH!!!!

yada said...

7:49 :).... I understand your enthusiasm and adoration completely!
What a lovely post :))))

yada said...

JAK, I'll be happy to volunteer to assist you.
Unfortunately, I can't sculpt worth a monkey's patootey.... BUT......

I CAN be quite useful in such a situation as this, you see. I will be glad (tough as it may be), for the entire duration of your work with Adam, to be at the ready there with him to help... To hold his robe, for instance.... To keep the water and Grey Goose flowing.... Massages handy and quickly available for any moment those newly sculpted muscles of his might become sore and fatigued from the effort of modeling for your finest masterpiece....

Yep, be happy to help! I'm your gal......

JAK said...

Yada.....I will accept your assistance with your promise of no gasping, giggling, growling, groveling and only occasional grinning.

yada said...

Ah, yes JAK... I can keep any growling and such at bay ...
But, only occasional grinning??? Uh oh...
I won't be able to wipe that silly grin off my face for years!
Good thing it's a volunteer position, JAK, or I'd surely be fired. ;-D

JAK said...
