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Handsome pic of the day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

he does have a nice face. his eyes are beautiful.

JAK said...

Have you notified, no one mentions 'Melvin' anymore?
He seems to have become one of the family.

JAK said...

Correction....NOTICED.....someone tell me, WHY does my iPad think it knows better than I what I want to say ?
Damn robot brain!

choons said...

a bit OT but if Adam makes his arms too big he won't fit into his large collection of fabulous jackets ...
I guess he can just go shopping.

Unknown said...

That is our gorgeous guy, lucky people watching him walk by. Don ' t care about Melvin, facial hair, love him to pieces!

Anonymous said...

I won't be sad when Melvin meets his maker.

Anonymous said...

Must be a very old picture. Only one lonesome tattoo.