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The latest edition of this excellent Blog which is currently all about Adam!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, March 8, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, March 08, 2015

Why *this* voice? – a bit more technical insight

I’ve talked about what makes us intrinsically turns us on about a singing voice (or not, as the case may be) and a lot of it is about the emotional response we have to that sound.
But why do so many people like this voice?
First of all, put aside all those images of physical beauty.  This may not be easy, given the images that have just about broken the internet in the last few hours, but read this and give your eyes (and/or your ovaries!) a rest for a little while.
We have our basic emotional response to a singing voice because we like the raw sound of it, the timbre, range and vocal colours of it, and that doesn’t matter if the voice you love is a soprano, or a tenor, or a bass.  You’ve had that response and it turns you on.
But what else makes a voice feel so great to you that it makes you want to laugh or cry, or scream and punch the air when you hear it?
One really important thing is words.  All songs have them, but depending on the singer, you don’t necessarily get to hear them properly.  I’m afraid a lot of opera singers are guilty of this, as many styles of singing will encourage you to sacrifice the clarity of the words to make a beautiful sound.  This was particularly so with the now fairly old-fashioned Bel Canto technique, which was all about the noise you make.  As soon as you get near the higher notes you have to work hard on, forget all about the words as the audience are far more interested in your top C than hearing the word you are singing at the time.  I have to say I have been to a few opera performances in my time that I’ve struggled to work out which language is being used, let alone individual words and phrases.
Rock singers don’t do too well at this either; sometimes this is about the balance of voice and instruments, which is the sound engineer’s responsibility, but sometimes when you have an untrained voice, you don’t learn the tricks of how to get the sound out and still preserve the words.
It’s becoming increasingly common now for voice teachers and coaches to major on diction – that is, making sure your audience understand you, as that has a huge effect on the emotional response to the music.  Let’s face it, if someone is telling you they love you and you can’t hear them, you’re never going to know and could live the rest of your life in unhappy ignorance.

Link to the blog:


Anonymous said...

It never ends.

Lam-My said...

Well, the writer/singer has given a very clear-cut, knowledgeable explanation on voice/range/enunciation etc. Regarding why we are so attracted to voice, if I may, research has it that voice reaches a very deep part of the brain which I often refer to as the subconscious. Alas, it's not so easy to access the subconscious perhaps being too engrossed with immediate gratifications, distractions like tv or other quick fixes, rather than let the subconscious manifest itself. There are the exceptions like the naturally gifted brains but some employ 'means' to access it, even at the cost of dire consequences.
Another reason, mostly my own opinion but based on what I read; is right from the start in the mother's womb, the infant brain is confronted by his/her mother's voice...its primordial experience of voice. Babies hear their mother's voice as their first experience of sound; so perhaps voice being such a primordial experience could be why we love listening to beautiful voices in singing or even someone reading poetry.

yada said...

Incredible. I adore bad ass alter ego's blogs! I'm learning so much.

.... And I'm appreciating and respecting Adam even more than ever.

As well... the complex craftsmanship and art of singing, and the finer aspects of vocal performance.

SUCH great material, enjoyable references to Adam, and perfect timing with his 3rd album soon to be released!

Thank you, glitzylady, for this post and keeping us connected to her engaging (at times, amusing) and quite informative blog with wealth of tidbits and info.

Badassalterego, if you happen to read this.... You ARE bad ass for sure! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, and for what you're doing for your readers and for your fellow Glamberts :)

Lam-My said...

Actually not just reading of poetry...even as a seven-year-old my first year in school, when Teacher told the class: Now I'm going to tell you a story...I was always so alert and looking forward to it...and the more expressive the Teacher's voice, the more exciting. By the way, Adam not only has a beautiful, powerful singing voice, a very expressive reading voice as well, like when he read...T'was the night before Christmas...

glitzylady said...

Thanks, although this particular thread was posted by @Admin Fan (I posted the first thread of Bad Ass Alter Ego Blogs a few days ago but not this one... )..

And be sure to read all of the new ones.. There are several in addition to this one within the Blog..

In addition to this one:

"Why *this* voice? – a bit more technical insight"

There are also these:

"Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"

"The Talent Show Circus"

And the others we posted here on 24/7 on March 5th:

For anyone who may have missed the first Blogs about Adam Lambert and Queen, written by this newly minted (and completely smitten) Adam Lambert fan (and long time Queen fan), be sure to read all of the blog posts on her blog..

So informative... And she expresses much of what I (and no doubt countless others) personally see in Adam as well.. but from a fresh (and music/vocal expert) perspective.. What a fabulous new addition to the Adam Lambert fandom!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of the quality of fans Adam has for Glamberts!
Adam deserves them surely.

Lam-My said...

I read Angelina Kalahari's very detailed specifics on Adam's voice/mastery/breathing and even his singing being essentially sexual in nature...three years ago, and can still be accessed. This article is very good, but I think Angelina, a well-renown soprano, got down to very minute specifics regarding Adam having mastered his breathing in singing which she stated is more difficult and crucial than the singing was quite an eye-opener piece.

Lam-My said...

Angelina further explained due to singing being inherently sexual...therefore the Adam GB effect which Adam uses to his advantage but like he once said 'not within his control'. Well, that is fine with me. lol!

Anonymous said...

Long time Adam fan is writing an entertaining and informative blog.

yada said...

Admin fan.... Thank you for this thread and for keeping us informed and connected to badassalterego's blogs! Much appreciated. :)))

(Sorry I about my mix up. Thank you for mentioning it, glitzylady)

Anonymous said...

She posts at IDF as well:

Anonymous said...

She is getting the attention she wanted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Will there be an exam on this?

Anonymous said...

I for one prefer to simply click on to the link and read the article it'self instead of going through and reading a partial piece of it and then having to refer to the article in it's entirety. Surely this would also save Admin time and simplify the site, lately it looks so cluttered with unnecessary lengthy introductions and explanations, making it more time consuming to get to the point. This site used to be great but it almost feels as if there are too many cooks in the kitchen of late. While I appreciate Admin for the latest news, photos etc. I'd greatly appreciate a more simplified format like we used to have.

Anonymous said...

This site is managed just fine. Don't come here if you are in that big of a damn hurry.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I go directly to the link not all that hard to find.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the Admins, taking the time and trouble of posting these blogs. I don't care how long they are, they are certainly read worthy. I have gained a lot more respect for what a singer contends with, especially Adam. He makes everything seem so easy, I hadn't realized how much work and calculation it takes to sing each song. Thank you for posting these. It is a great time for this, since it is a dry spell right now. Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

Whichever way people prefer to go is their business, please just remember that giving the original site/author of an article is always a good thing as it demonstrates interest in the artist. Yes, yes, yes, it's also true that it gives the site "hits" that they can show to their advertisers and all that, blah blah blah, that is how it works nowadays, but imho it is important to remember that "hitting" a certain article on Adam shows interest in Adam and TPTB take note.

Anonymous said...

March 9 11:55 AM here.

Also, thanks to the Admin and others who keep this site current and running. I appreciate your efforts very much!

Anonymous said...

Why are "Queen" fans given so much adoration from Adam's fans?

Anonymous said...

Good article!!

Gabi said...

Great to have this very knowledgable lady in our Adam fandom. I appreciate her well written blogs very much!

Dee R Gee said...

I like the introductions and explanations that sometimes come with an article excerpt or link to be useful and often informative. Sometimes they clear up confusion and misinformation before I get to the article. It's a good thing, IMO. I can skip them if I want to and go straight to the article. No big deal.

I think the comments by the admins, esp. glitzlady (and broddybounce does a great job, too) really make this site seem like a group of friends having a chat together. It makes it more intimate, IMO. To each his own. Each fansite has its own personality.

yada said...

I'm with you, Dee R Gee. I really like the warm, personal touch that Broddy and Glitzy add to this little meeting place (blog).

.... And, as for the excerpts posted in the thread.... I REALLY like and appreciate that feature here. Sometimes I stop in for a few mins and don't have time at that moment to read the whole article.... And I like the little "taste" of the info that those excerpts give. Also, the excerpts kind of provide a teaser to read the whole article for me.... And/or highlight a really great part of the article, as well. (ie: statements specifically about Adam, etc)...

Besides... Who doesn't appreciate seeing the trailer to a movie before going to seeing the whole thing to get an idea of what it's about? :)

With all that... As has said before on this thread, and I'll add my own echo of it as well: To each his/her own. :)

Anyway... Please keep up the wonderful work, Admins! *thumbs up*

yada said...

*as has BEEN said before. Typo!

Anonymous said...

I am very grateful for all those involve in this site.
Especially thanks to Glitzy and Broddy.

Anonymous said...

Just rude to leave Admin Fan out of your thanks. She posts tons of great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all of the admin's on this site! You guys rock!!
