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The Original High is coming soon!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 09, 2015


Anonymous said...

Good I am patiently waiting.

Dee R Gee said...

I am not so patiently waiting. I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it NOW! :)

Anonymous said...

Please let this new album be the one people appreciate. I hear all these songs on the radio and think to myself Adam could easily sing that. We can't blame his being gay anymore with that Sam Smith getting all that recognition. Pleas world let this be his turn.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry folks, it's happening already!!!:) Just wait and see he!he! The big BANG will hear around the globe!!!:) April yet!!!????


yada said...
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yada said...

I admit it. It's getting pretty darn hard to wait anymore.....

*stomps foot* .... Something brand new from Adam - I want it Now!! ;))

.... Come on, April! :)

Pan said...

An old , bad habit of mine, to pay too close attention to people's words, speeches...interviews is bothering me and now I'm having a bit of a dilemma.I've read/listened to all of his interviews on The Original High, one particularly has drawn my attention, the one given at Brit Awards.That one and those that followed , in all Adam spoke about a wide spectrum of genres , pop, house , a flavor of R&B here and there , so far, so good.In London Adam ended his interview with "...then some great timeless song writing."
Hmm, did he have in mind the process of writing the songs precisely or was he thinking of ageless songs, ones not affected by the passage of time or change of fashion?
I think it's high time someone told him that we, the fandom , regardless of age, taste, preference, are reading about/listening to ...deep house now, whatever it is!

Anonymous said...

Lol Pan , funny last line