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The photo shows hanging from his hands!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 09, 2015

 It looks like the glove!


Lam-My said...

Yes this is handsome muscular Adam...actually he looks pretty solid now, got rid of the extras as seen in the AI video. Oh so nostalgic to meet those S8 people again...yep from Mama to MAMA; Wow! quite a long rollercoaster!

Anonymous said...

Manspread rating 10+!!!!

Lam-My said...

Actually, it's not just all show of muscles but that adds to it. Adam is a really strong guy even before the weight-lifting/pumping. He flipped that lady onto his shoulder on the Talk show in a jiffy, no shaking, he just stood still on the same spot and continued smiling and talking; he also said he could bang down he can star in a movie...Incredible Hulk vs Handsome Adam. lol!

choons said...

I don't know what the glove pic is about ???

Kath said...

Yeah what's that glove about.? Anyone?

Lam-My said...

I see 008 on the glove...that was my name for him a few years back...008 replacing and reporting on behalf of!

Anonymous said...

@Kath, I don't know what the glove talk was about, but it would be normal to have to use for weightlifting.

Lam-My said...

Very short story... 008

A helicopter hovered above surreptitiously...Bang! Bang! almost hit Agent 008 who dodged it in a jiffy...gazed into the sky with those mesmerising super x-ray eyes. Yes 008 at once recognised those thugs who had been stalking him because he had just smashed a hooded gang of notorious thugs. In fact these thieves almost got away with the royal ancestral blue diamond crown, only one of its kind. During that raid, the Queen had to be whisked away in 008's helicopter to keep her safe. 008 was instantly knighted and presented the sword of honour by the Queen. And Queen Band was at hand to witness the historic event. They struck up 'One Vision' their fierce metal rock to grace the occasion; it was indeed a kaleidoscopic fanfare of 008's knighthood.
008 is sometimes nicknamed Knight of the Night as he smashed that gang of thugs sharp at the stroke of midnight; er no, he was no Cinderella, his other nickname is Killer Queen.
That fateful night, 008 single-handedly whipped the gang of thugs; and wailed...Foreeeever...Tooooo Loooove...! You see unlike his predecessor 007...008 is a black-belt kungfu sifu and so even though there were four of them, his flying kicks licked them dead one at a time. lol!

yada said...

Weight lifting glove....
And a pretty darn nice one at that! :)

Lam-My said...

On closer look, I read it from left to right as 008, its B00... an accidental story; but I did call Adam 008 new replacement for James Bond. lol!

Anonymous said...

It's a weight-lifting glove but is Admin inferring something else in relation to it??

Kath said...

Thanks I knew it was a weight lifting glove but could not figure out why it was posted. Thought I missed something.

Anonymous said...

Admin, can you explain? I don't see a glove hanging from his hands.

yada said...

Thinking that the thingie shown below his left hand is being considered a work out glove..... It's very hard to make out. Perhaps someone lightened enough to find out what it is....

To me, at first I thought it was part of the bench.... But that wouldn't make sense as something like that isn't attached to a bench there.... So, it makes sense that it would be a glove hanging from his hand. I can make out something possibly indicating that, I think.

... My best guess :)

yada said...

(Right hand from our perspective.... Left hand from his)

Lam-My said...

The caption says...hanging from his hands...I take it to mean the metal rod and weights shown, are hanging from his hands. Hey Adam, to prove your real substance show a picture of you hoisting the rod and weights above your head! like they do in competitions. I know you can! and I'm not trying to dare you; otherwise you won't be sitting on the weight-lifting bench.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to need one of those red outline pics.

Anonymous said...

No idea why the glove is posted. Maybe it's for sale? :p #clutchingatstraws

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is going to wear weight-lifting gloves at concerts instead of fingerless gloves! Just a (silly) thought. ;)

Lam-My said...

Maybe he's doing some pull-ups so he's hanging from his hands wearing those gloves, in the gym.

Anonymous said...

The headline!

Anonymous said...

The metal rod and weights are not hanging from his hands and he is not hanging from his hands! Obviously, though we can't make it out, he has gloves hanging from his hands. No big deal, why the wild guesses?

Anonymous said...

The glove isn't hanging from his hand in the gym photo.

JAK said...

Look at the fingers, it seems to me there is something black between his middle and ring finger, as if he is clutching it, and it has white on it.

Glove, that's my guess.

JAK said...

Will this mystery ever be solved? We are a community of guessers!

JAK said...

Me again....okay, I give up....I am not a good guesser. I was scrolling thru other threads and on lighter versions of this photo I see nothing! I quit!