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Adam Lambert new tweets!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, April 19, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, April 19, 2015


Anonymous said...

Adam -- People in Europe are sleeping at this time... :)

Anonymous said...


Let's trend it for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Trend, trend! I want to see the whole photo!

Anonymous said...

It's weird I kinda addicted with such interaction with him. Feels like he is playing game with us. LOL!
It's early morning in Asia and I'm so busy tweeting that time until I almost late to work! Worth it though! :)

Anonymous said...

So sick of all the teasing, if he keeps doing this I think I'll lose interest and not want to bother listening at all, what's wrong with just releasing the damn thing and if people like it they'll buy it if not they won't, hearing a bit hear and a bit their is ridiculous.