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ET Video: Adam Lambert on Career Highs and Paving the Way for Gay Artists

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Anonymous said...

yay thanks

Dee R Gee said...

Gonna be watching tonight!

yada said...

With ya there, Glambert sister! Tuning in...... :))))

Anonymous said...

"...People are ready to move forward and just be people..."

Oh Adam, love you and your optimism!
Hoping you don't visit this site or any other site where you can see "how NOT ready people are"...!!!!! :(

yada said...
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yada said...

Hi 1:34 :)...... I have often wondered while visiting this blog:
"why in the world would people take valuable time out of their precious lives to come on to an artist's fan-site for the sole purpose of denigrating the artist amongst his fans? (trolls, etc)" .....

The idea of wasting precious time doing that (instead of using the time for, say, actually LIVING) is a hard one to wrap my head around. And then, I remind myself that those people have issues (they know that their comments are ridiculous - that's the intent) and would likely go onto any artist's fan-site (particularly one with no requirement to register) with a passionate fan base like Adam's .... And, yet, they choose a popular Adam Lambert fan site. Could be any artist, mind you.... But, they choose Adam.

IMO, it's one more indicator of just how truly popular, well-known and culturally relevant he truly is.

Extraordinarily complimentary (in the counter-intuitive, back-handed sense) to Adam, I'd say!

I hope the admins here will opt for ways to manage the comments here to keep it a beneficial site (and a pleasant one for genuine Adam fans and new-comers who may be curious as well)....

But, I also believe: the more silly opposition and irrational comments come (denigrating: ie: trollers) .... the more indications of Adam's cultural significance and recognition in music and entertainment culture! :)))))