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HEADLINE PLANET: "Ghost Town" Ranks As Hot AC Radio's Most Added Song

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, April 27, 2015

Posted at : Monday, April 27, 2015

Pure awesomeness....

"According to Mediabase, the former “American Idol” contestant’s “Ghost Town” scored adds from 15 monitored Hot AC stations this week.  No other song received as many pickups."


otexbert said...
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otexbert said...

That is great news!! My sister just told me they are playing it slot in Austin!!

otexbert said...


otexbert said...


Anonymous said...

This pic is worth checking out .... :-))))))

Apologies if it's already been posted here. I hadn't seen it before.

otexbert said...

There is a sneek peek of the video on twitter.

otexbert said...

There is a sneek peek of the video on twitter.

Anne Marie said...

Warner B Music is doing their job, very well. If Adam doesn't succeed with this album, then it won't be because his label failed him.

choons said...

@8:27 oooooohhh that's a lovely, pensive pic.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, we are as blind as we were with RCA. At the release of Trespassing we thought RCA was doing their job well.

Anonymous said...

This is great news! Exited, hopeful.

Anonymous said...


Dee R Gee said...

10:39, The promo this time around as compared to TP is like night and day, IMO.

Anonymous said...

6 :03
In what respect? I think people have forgotten all the promo adam had for trespassing. He was on the cover of The Advocate and had a big feature in a rolling stone remember? Also a feature in people. Much bigger mags than he got this time where it appears shoshanna just called in her uk buddies. He was on leno and kimmel in addition to ellen. Let's see what TV he gets this time.

Dee R Gee said...

I guess our perspectives depend on whether we want him to succeed or whether we don't. JMO. The enthusiasm for the song itself is certainly different, IMO. Seems like the radio play will be good. It's really all the about a song that the radio wants to play. That's how hits are made.

GT looks like it will a strong gateway to TOH. Hope so.

Anonymous said...

Way too early to know what kind of radio play he will get. The song is #49 on the HAC chart for radio play. BTIKM got up to #17 as I recall. The song got a good trial by radio but it didn't catch on. Same thing could happen this time. If you heard the podcast of music guys from billboard they didn't think ghost town would break the top 20. So not real enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bite 6:58 & 7:52 - and say that I do see some of your points (that you post often). Over the recent weeks, I think I have jumped in a time or two to say that I understand where you are coming from re the support for Trespassing vs. TOH... but having said that, DRG and various others here are correct - the enthusiasm for the song GT is more compelling. I am giving your points some recognition, as I believe they deserve it, but you should also recognize that there is a difference in enthusiasm for the song, the GT single, itself - vs. BTIKM. Your choice to not recognize that, suit yourself, but don't expect others to be open-minded to your positions when you are not open to something yourself that is right before your eyes. My POV.

Anonymous said...

and btw April 28 7:52AM, 8:09 here again, BTIKM was NOT really given an adequate "trail by radio" in my view! BTIKM was very fitting for radio at that time, very in keeping with the Top 40/Pop radio playlists at that time, a good mid temp ballad sort of feel - that much I will grant you - but I am in a major market, and was observing closely the BTIKM situation at the time, and 'though I am not an industry expert, imo BTIKM was not given a fair shake on radio by PD's and the like. NCOE was even MORE fitting for radio at that time, very in sync with what was being played a lot at the time and the playlists of that period, and it was even more aggravating to me that NCOE wasn't spun enough to have a fair shot at catching on. All water under the bridge now. And I do believe what several Industry people, including Pharrell, have said re Trespassing just being about 6 months before its time.. but, yes, water under the bridge now. But I will reiterate my own personal position that GT HAS received more enthusiasm form relevant people publically than BTIKM did.

Anonymous said...

The label can't force the public to like the song. Big stars with huge fanbases in the demographic that radio desires are always going to get more play. Success brings more opportunities for more success. Taylor swift can release anything and it will get play, but adam isnt in that league. He got a great shot last time whether you saw it or not. The songs just weren't interesting enough to catch on. He needed a big hit not just another nice song.

Anyway, wait a couple weeks and see how this one does. Adam is incredibly lucky to have gotten another chance. Most reality singers won't get played at all anymore.

Dee R Gee said...

No, a label can't force the public to like a song. But when a song gets some radio play and people start to hear it multiple times, it give that song some cred. It says that radio peeps like it and think it's worth listening to. Songs like that achieve an acceptance factor that says they're ok to like. Doesn't mean the song is always good. But it gets the ball rolling. If GT can do very well on the charts, more singles will be released from TOH, and PDs will more likely be apt to put them on their playlists.

I realize it's all a big game of radio ratings, money, etc. I just hope that this time, Adam gets his long-overdue shot. For me, remaining positive and hopeful and doing my part to help Adam's music be successful makes being a fan worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

I am just going to go by "feelings" here in what I am saying for the moment; not overlooking the Blog Debbie Downer! To me, this just feels so different; before, I remember Adam was going from station to station singing, trying to please everyone; and seems nothing happen hardly at all as far as radio play. Now, it just seems so different.

His Warner Music label and entire Management team is treating Adam like the Star that he is, and the potential that they see in him. I don't remember RCA taking this much time with him, and the promotion department really promoting him; imagine that; twitting about him all the time just really showing the love that the promotion team at Warner Music is doing! Adam is getting more accolades from everywhere, actually all around the world, even the UK this time around! The male population of new fans are exploding and they are shamelessly expressing their love for him and his music in no uncertain terms. He has picked up many Queen fans too. Anyone that can't see or feel the difference, I actually question why they keep putting up verbal obstacles about how much better it can be?

This is different and better; whether a person wants to admit it or not. Apparently, they can't see the forest for the trees. People everywhere are reporting that they are hearing Adam's song on the radio, and that their teenagers are loving it. He is being given a real shot this time, make no mistake though the, without Adam Lambert and his out of this world talents, and the personality that could charm a snake, no amount of label support in the world could make this man a star; he was already a star when he came to them; all they are doing is trying get the word out to the world in the best way they know how! For Adam M.Lambert, that is all this man really needs; that is what he has always needed.

Maybe now our man will be able to get on more of these television shows and some of these award shows; and why not, he is one of the best entertainers on the planet!

Glamberts, be ware of the many forces that will always try to pull our man down; he will be unwanted competition to many in the business, because he is so good. Also, those that are those pretending to be fans and always posting the negative no matter how many mountains he has climbed!
one last think I am saying
"remember Judas"!

Anonymous said...

9 12

And what I'm laughing at is your statement "that adam will finally get his long overdue shot."

Do you follow any other artists? Because no one has been treated better or gotten more chances to be successful than adam. Certainly no one from idol came off the show and got better promo or more money poured into him than adam. he has gotten break after break and he is getting another big break right now.

Anonymous said...

9 14
You just sound ridiculous. That's all I will say.

Dee R Gee said...

9:30, 9:32, obviously Adam isn't your favorite singer. Relax and support someone you like. You'll be happier.

Anonymous said...
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JAK said...

Judas? Honey you need a nap.