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Aam Lambert liked dylanasty's Instagram photo

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 1, 2015

Posted at : Friday, May 01, 2015


CT said...

Fantastic drawing!

OT. I can't believe it! I just heard Adam's Ghost a Town on 102.7 KISS FM...the biggest radio station in L.A. This is the first time I've heard it..I'm jumping in my seat:))))

I think they first said," A shout out to Adam
Lambert!" And it was during JoJo's 9 at 9! I think it might have been #3,.,,,YAY ❤️

Magiclady said...

I am so glad KISS is playing GT!! I have been listening when I can, but have yet to hear it!

Anonymous said...

Also Alice 97.3 in San Francisco is playing Ghost Town! I heard it

Anonymous said...

Is that smoke coming out of his ears?

Anonymous said...

Still waiting to hear GT on radio play in the Boston area. Frustrating!

Anonymous said...

3:50 AM, give it time, the push to radio started just four days ago.

Anonymous said...

They played Ghost Town on Fox FM, Melbourne, Australia. I believe they have played it a few times, it sounded fantastic!

Anonymous said...

@May 2, 2015 at 3:50 AM

I am in Boston market too, NOTHING! Frustrating indeed... but I am not overly worried, I do believe it will start getting spins here, I am just anxious! :)

Dee R Gee said...

Yay Yay for Radio Play! Sounds like it's starting! Hope the momentum keeps going. Request, view, play, buy. Repeat.

Anonymous said...

Remember when watching the videos not to replay, but use the refresh button or go back and play !!

Dee R Gee said...

6:24, You are right. That is very important. I always go back and hit the play button each time. It can be a pain, but at least I know it counts. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

On topic .........

This fan art looks great.

choons said...

still nothing from KISSfm in Toronto, or Proudfm - I have sent in requests asking them to show Adam some love.

Anonymous said...

What's not to love!
The likeness is strikingly good, yuhuu, GREAT work!

Anonymous said...

@11:25 AM

Smoke coming out of his ears you asked? Dare I say, possibly, haven't you noticed how HOT he is!!! He is so HOT, he is on fire!
Somebody should have called the Glam Firemen and Glambulance!!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:21 PM

Smoke coming out of ears???
Of course, what would you expect? Adam was on fire and smoldering HOT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just so exciting; I have been with Adam as a fan from the day of his audition on Idol; through thick and thin; not wavering for one moment, trying to help him all the way. Now I finally feel a change in attitude regarding Adam is on the way, along with radio play. Thanks also to Warner Music, and his management team. To all of them I would say, this man is well worth the royal efforts!!

"A Change Is Gonna Come"! So close; It's up to us to help take our man over the top. He deserves it. He is supplying that one in a Billion talent. We MUST supply the one in a Billion unwavering support! As has been said, "we can HELP HIM do this"!!!

Jadam NZ said...

Well Adam may not have the biggest fan base in the world, but by hell he has the most passionate and motivated.Glamberts we are the best. xxx

Anonymous said...

11.21 PM
'Smoke coming out of his ears' ... lol