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Adam Lambert #GhostTown music video is now available on iTunes in 84 countries/regions!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, May 4, 2015

Posted at : Monday, May 04, 2015


Lam-My said...

Whoa! WB works really fast...Ghost Town in 84 countries! Like I said before, as long as Adam has got those big corporates behind him, he will soar; it's a matter of time, place and resource...the talent has always been there from the start but this time round Adam's got the tidal wave to push it and roll it into a tunnel which he can surf on and steer it out to sea.

Lam-My said...

A UK interviewer called Adam the Crooning Colossus...not bad. Okay, mine will be less colossal but more divine...the Singing Saint ! endorsed by St Peter who saw him at his gate which was not locked unlike the other saints who locked theirs. lol! CC vs SS.

Lam-My said...

Crooning Colossus
Singing Saint
Take your pick
It comes down to the same
Ghost Town soon wears the crown
Down down down
Adam says that's what counts
Surfing the white crest of the tunnel wave
It'll rock and rave
From the mountain down to the cave
His Ghost Town flag
Flaps in the wind, noon night and day
Across 84 countries, uncharted waterways, it forays lwl!