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Adam Lambert Tweeted: "About To Intro @Sia On Stage At @1027KIISFM's Wango Tango! Watch Live!" PLUS Red Carpet Pic!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, May 9, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, May 09, 2015

As of this writing (6:40 PM Pacific Coast US time), Adam has not yet intro'd Sia, so tune into the live stream to watch!!!


Adam on the Red Carpet:  


daydreamin said...

The schedule says Sia comes on at 6:55 California time which is NEXT!!

Dee R Gee said...

Yay! So glad to see him there!

Anonymous said...
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CT said...

Okay I missed the intro...came here 3 minutes too late! Appreciate the pics on the Red Carpet though :)

Anonymous said...

Adam must have found out that no one had informed fans before; he was probably so busy and think that Management is informing fans. I would think that Shoshanna should be the one to do that! He always lets fans know things to watch; even if it is the last minute.

I like his hair; does not look as blond as it did last night, I love this color!

Anonymous said...

Two promo guys from Warner car dancing to Ghost Town :)

#primosfridaydance at The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel

daydreamin said...

Here it is on youtube already:

Click here

daydreamin said...

Interview @Wango Tango!!

Click here

Anonymous said...

Another nice tweet from Darren. Give it a like.

Darren Hayes ‏@darrenhayes
.@adamlambert #Ghosttown so wonderful & video is super slick. Madonna’s Vogue meets George Michael #faith. So good! …

Anonymous said...

Thanks, daydreaming!

Dee R Gee said...

So cool to see Adam up on state even if it's for an introduction. He looks great.

So bummed that the KISS interview buffers so badly for me that I can't get through it. Maybe it will work for me on a future link. I did manage to watch it between buffers right up to where he is asked about Ghost Town. Can't wait to hear the rest!

Anonymous said...

All of this exposure is so good for Adam. Adam has men and women gushing over him. They really seem to like him. Adam is just so handsome, and his hair looks fabulous! I notice that when Adam speaks to the interviewer it is different from all the others including Justin B.; they seem to talk to Adam as they would a friend, he seems to put people at ease and make them feel so comfortable, like they really enjoy talking to him. He is so cool and intelligent! Can't get over those good looks of his. This man just seems to get better looking every time I see him!

Wow, the radio stations are really bragging about his new single. I could go on; but I won't. It is just so exciting following this man.

All the predictions about why he would not be with his mom, some crazy. Surprise, surprise; it's his Mom who will be out of town. Such a loving son, the way he talks about his mom!

Anonymous said...

Cute interview on the Red Carpet with Adam and the female interviewer. She was certainly enjoying her time with him. Then taking pictures with him; and the big hug at the end. Love his interaction with people. Love, love, love the lighter hair; so handsome.

Ghost Town is the bomb!! It is going to be a big hit I do believe! Everyone is getting anxious for this album! Well we will get two more singles first, Oh my gosh, I am so excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

That DJ seemed surprised that Adam wasn't entertaining. So funny when Adam said, "no I am here to present to Sia"! He looked surprised!!!

Adam was surprised that Sia had stage fright! Must be hard if you are an entertainer and have stage fright too!

glitzylady said...

I live in the Seattle area and it seems like every time I get in my car I hear "Ghost Town"!!! Seriously awesome!!!

I'm hearing it on Click 98.9 FM on a regular basis during prime afternoon drive time..and at other times as well. And they ALWAYS give Adam and "Ghost Town" a special intro..

I'm VERY optimistic that this song and his upcoming album are going to be Adam's "Third time's the charm".... for his Era #3!!!

So excited for him...and for us, his long term fans as well as those who are just discovering how truly special Adam Lambert is!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dee R Gee
Interview buffered constantly for me too & the screen froze early in the interview. Never mind, I got the gist of what they were saying.

Anonymous said...

10:03 PM, you might be on to something there.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds cool I hope that happens for him I'll never know because as an older fan I won't be attending his concerts anymore and I am buying minimal music by him. I just cancelled my $200.00 bundle in case an age appropriate person wants it.

Anonymous said...

11:34 PM, you've twisted and blown things out if proportion. But with that self-centered attitude, good riddance.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well if being asked by other fans to not attend a radio M&G, especially if you have met Adam before, makes you take it out on Adam by canceling orders and saying you are not a fan anymore then you were obviously not much of a true fan in the first place.

Anonymous said...

11.34 & 1.51 are either trolling, because Adam never said that about older fans or they're extremely entitled people who want Adam to be something else. His goal has always been pop success so his music is going to reflect that. I'm ~older but will continue to support him by buying his music and going to concerts if possible. I don't need him to pretend I'm his BFF!

Dee R Gee said...

11:34, I'm figuring that one of the primary reasons we are Adam fans is because of his voice and his music. He doesn't pick and choose who his fans are. He doesn't determine who will come to his M&Gs. To cancel an order punishes Adam for things he cannot control. He still sings as beautifully as ever.

Anonymous said...

to 11.34 & 1.51
Are you sure you are not a 4 years old?
Because you act like one. Try to read and hear first what Adam truly said and do not make a kvik conclusion.
It says more about you and your behavior than Adams.
And maybe it's good this way.The bad apple as yourself do not need to poisoned others. So bye and keep yourself out of Adam's fan pages.

Anonymous said...

8:25 I will gladly do that.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What the heck is happening in this fandom and on this fan site???

Anonymous said...

Love them both - living for Ghost Town right now :)

Cinenke said...

He did notify us!! He sent a tweet about 20 mins before the event!!

glitzylady said...

Adam has said nothing to fans to suggest that his older fans are not valued members of his fandom..

It has been asked by his publicist that fans try to be mindful of radio station demographics for radio promo meet and greets, keeping in mind that Adam needs radio support and play to get his new music radio spins, and hopefully well up into the Top 40.. It would seem that future concert meet and greets will be unaffected in that regard.. Adam has also said he would like to reach new fans, which makes sense to expand his fan base and increase interest in his music, increase sales, and hopefully as a result, be in the position to have a solo tour supporting "The Original High".. (but certainly not exclude his present ones.)... As a fan, I am really hoping a tour happens this time around..

Adam has always been about inclusiveness. I don't see that changing any time soon..

Please be kind to each other here and to Adam..

Something to think about.....

Anonymous said...

Not excluding present ones? Him telling an older fan Ghosttown is for her grandkid says it all.

Anonymous said...

That is some heavy handed deleting. Trolls don't get deleted but anybody hinting about age does. Not at all professional moderating.

Anonymous said...

OK....Everyone needs to stay calm and not feed the trolls, lol. Seriously? There are a couple "fans" who, because of the REALITY of the pop music business (as it pertains to the all important radio demographics) are so riled up over NOT being part of that demographic that they cancel orders and threaten basically to boycott? That, imo, shows a stunning lack of two major elements; self-awareness and common sense. I am over 60 and ADORE Adam! Simply LOVE the man! But the truth IS, I have a SON older than him and I'd not want to ever be responsible for any failure of success on his part or for media perceptions that would cause embarrassment for him.A couple of you truly sound like you forget what it was like to be young and to have your own culture and music. I want for Adam ALL the best. I want him to BE the superstar I believe he was born to be. If that means checking my own EGO at the door, I do so gladly, as a person who is self-aware enough to know it's not all about ME ME ME! I've been to MANY of his concerts, solo and with Queen. My husband and I have traveled to see him, many times. And I cannot express the JOY I feel when I see NEW fans also. Male ones, younger ones, etc. Do I feel "less than"? Certainly not.Adam doesn't make the rules in this business. He simply has to live or die by them. I will continue to purchase his music and go to his concerts as long as I'm able. He is a kind, gentle, sweet and humble man and those that don't see that in him, don't know him and are not really fans in my estimation. They're more like obnoxious "stage mothers" who live vicariously through their progeny. Those individuals need to take a step back and look in the mirror of truth. I'm here for ADAM, not for my own pride. In that vein, let's all listen to Ghost Town AGAIN! Party on! Haha!