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Popcrush vote: Adam Lambert vs. Britney Spears + Iggy Azalea

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Way to go, Glamberts! In his first week on Pop Clash, Adam Lambert‘s “Ghost Town” beat out reigning champ Rihanna. This week, the former American Idol star faces off against Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea‘s “Pretty Girls.” Who should win the Pop Clash?

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Anonymous said...

Just read he finale performers on AI no Adam but I really didn't think he would be after the judge honor, Jax is going to sing with Steven Tyler.

Anonymous said...

Adam has > 90% of the votes !

Anonymous said...

Even though Adam has most of the votes right now, don't under estimate Britneys fans. They obviously haven't heard about it yet. They just might come out in full force and knock Adam right off of the fence. Keep voting as often as you can.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Just came from voting at Britney/Iggy & Madonna polls ... once per hour ... also viewing GT on YT ... 950K+ ... almost there Glamberts ... keep watching & commenting ... 1M not too far to go!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Glamberts - Adam has lost over 30 points since this morning!!! Now he's only 10 points ahead after a previously HUGE lead yesterday!

At this rate, Adam will be behind by later today or early tomorrow ... Britney and Iggy's fans have turned up the heat.
VOTE, VOTE on Popcrush once per hour.. until poll closes on May 11 at 3 pm.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday afternoon Adam had 90% of the Popcrush vote.

NOW he is down to 54.73%!!!!

Glamberts, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE -- once per hour until May 11 at 3 pm ... or we'll lose this thing!

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