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usmagazine: Look Back at the 10 Most Successful Alums! #7Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, May 11, 2015

Posted at : Monday, May 11, 2015

7. Adam Lambert
After coming in as a runner-up to Kris Allen on the eighth season of American Idol, Lambert went on to not only make a mark with his music, but also his social activism. After officially coming out as gay in 2009, he’s become an outspoken member of the LGBT community and received a GLAAD award in 2010 for Outstanding Music Artist.

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Anonymous said...

For me, season 8 of Idol with Adam was one I looked forward to each week just to see him perform. His amazing vocal talent, mesmerizing stage presence and even his various hairstyles and clothing styles kept me wanting more each week. It was the only time I ever voted for one of the contestants also. As has been said so many times before, Adam set the bar so high that no one, in my opinion, has come close to meeting the performance standards he set. I am so unimpressed with this season's performers and the final three. I also just heard that next season is the last for Idol and it's about time. When the show focuses more on the judges esp. JLO with her outfits and hairstyles, and the last two winners have not gone anywhere with their music careers, then it is time to pack it in. Congrats to Adam with all the success and recognition he has achieved so far.

Anonymous said...

David cook was a great contestant. Sorry he seems to have disappeared after the show and I hope he can make a living doing songwriting or something else.

My favorite performance that I ever saw on idol was Fantasia doing summertime. I didn't watch much of idol but I happen to see that and it blew me away. That and david cook doing Billie Jean and hello.

Anonymous said...

11:32 AM
I understand how you feel; as a fan of David's it has to be frustrating if he is not getting the recognition you feel that he should. I was impressed with Fantasia too!

As an Adam fan; I also feel he was short changed in this article. As did a few of the commenters. One said that they were not particularly a fan of his but felt he should have been placed higher.

What I did not understand, is that they never hardly mentioned anything about his music; Grammy nomination, or Glee or all the other things he has been involved in, including Front man with Queen and their successful World Tour, that has not really ended! Also, Adam is a worldwide star!

The only thing they seemed to talk about; was his contributions of charitable honors to the LGBT Community; which is a wonderful thing. But, no one else's advocacy was mentioned and I am pretty sure they have causes they believe in also! Adam is a young Gay American, that is a fact; but that is not all that he is. Thought this was suppose to be about his musical profession! They missed a great opportunity to inform people what Adam has been and is doing in his musical career; in detail! Not even the fact that his third Album the Original High will be dropping on May 16th! Adam Lambert is the epitome of what an American Idol should be!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion; Adam Lambert was the most talented person to grace the Idol stage. He came in a star and left a star.

The problem that he has had which I think is changing through his continued hard work and extreme dedication and extraordinary talent, is the fact that he is Gay; and this article proves that is the truth!! That is all they could talk about pertaining to Adam! They had to mention him, and he should have been number one, if they were going by true talents. This article proves that they were not; and should be ashamed of themselves for not doing better research on all of the Idols; even some that were left out!

Just watch Adam's recognition grow and grow; this Gift from God will no longer be denied his rightful place in the music

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily think Adam was the most talented during Idol's run ('tho obviously I am an uber Adam Lambert fan, I am here :), and he is crazy talented), but I absolutely think he "played" the Idol game the best of any contestant ever to appear on the show; of that I feel there can be little debate. He played that show like a violin, and I have always adored him for it. Smart, sexy BRAINS! He is of course almost incomprehensibly talented too, of course, that goes without saying, but there have been many extraordinarily talented people on that show... but the "IT" factor of Adam Lambert is almost incomparable and his ability to strategize his way to the top was a thing to behold. I will always be grateful to Idol for giving him a platform from which to spring! JMO.

Dee R Gee said...

I remember shortly after his Idol season, Adam was asked what he hoped to get out of his experience on the show. He said, "Longevity." That's the hardest thing to do. Some former Idols have faded, some have diversified into other areas. Some have moved away from recording albums and have focused on other ways to perform. Adam is still in the thick of the "recording music" mode. Hope his career will take him in other directions, too. Idol has always had great singers. Adam is at the top, IMO.

Gabi said...

With the end of Idol we can expect countless articles and write-ups about the most successful on the show. I think we as fans have to be careful to not get overly defensive whenever Adam doesn't rank as high as we think he should. He in fact is very successful.

My opinion: Adam has the "It" factor and an incredible voice. But the voice alone is only part of the deal. He has made some missteps but learned from it, and he is hotter than every right now. Him being gay may have cost him the crown, but some not so great artistic and musical decisions right after Idol may have carried a much heavier weight. Luckily, he is finding his stride!

Anonymous said...

If an earlier poster does not think that Adam Lambert was not the MOST talented to come out of Idol; I sure would like to know in all fairness who he or she thinks was. I guess it is a matter of taste when it comes to music; and we all are entitled to our opinion. I think that Adam was absolutely the most talented and still is. Now, I would like to know who POSTER @12:33 PM thinks was/is the most talented; just curious? No shade intended, asking with respect!

Anonymous said...

@1:10 PM Here,

CORRECTION: Adam's Album, THE ORIGINAL HIGH, will be released on June 16th, not May l6th; sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

US magazine should educate themselves regarding their subjects if they want to come off as a serious, which they really are not.

They are sort of like a mini gossip magazine talking about the latest boy, girl relationship in Hollywood! One of their representatives are always on the Wendy Williams show, during the Hollywood gossip segment!

Anonymous said...

3:05 pm, correction

I meant to say, come of as a serious Magazine that is creditable!

Anonymous said...

US magazine has obviously not considered these idols' WORLDWIDE appeal, just a few things that they do in the US, and not even considering ALL they do in the US.

Anonymous said...

Who is your favorite American Idol alum? Hah hah. No contest of anyone on that list! ADAM LAMBERT of course!!!

ADAM LAMBERT is the only Am Idol Alum with worldwide international superstar appeal!

This mag did not even bother to put a photo of Adam there - the most photogenic of them by far!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Guess I'll skip the original article ... I've read all I need to ... why waste my eyesight on it!! Thanx for the synopsis Glamberts!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

always wanted to hear what simon thought he thought adam was the best that year

Anonymous said...

I'm always surprised that Simon and some of the others don't tweet about Adam. I haven't seen any tweets from Kris or Allison about Adam's new song either. :(

Anonymous said...

Always Carrie Underwood at #1. Kelly is much better than her and tours internationally.

Anonymous said...

ADAM all the way was better than anyone else!!!