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Adam IGs Memorable Moment from Chattyman Interview ... and Alan Carr Responds!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Sunday, June 7, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 07, 2015

#bottomshelf #chattman

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


Anonymous said...

To put it in context, Alan Carr was responding to Adam's tweet - with the photo of him grimacing while drinking Alan's "sub-par" (according to Adam) tequila ("like drinking gasoline"):

ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert Jun 6

#bottomshelf #chattman

broddybounce said...

Thank you, @8:12pm, my error -- now corrected! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

It was leaked on a Chinese website... so we (at least I) won't post **officially** until we get the okay :))) From Adam, from Shosh, from Warner, from someone..official.....

But you know I WANT to...

Because it's absolutely THE BEST SONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it should be in the comments until Adam, Shosh or WBR tweet about it or officially release it. This song is too important to Adam to risk it being downloaded and pirated.

***If links to a tiny clip of Underground were deleted from this site I do not understand why a full copy of TOH is allowed!

glitzylady said...

I've already notified @broddybounce re the link to TOH posted here...

We'd appreciate it if others don't post the link... Guessing it may be released soon as a single.. because it's THAT GOOD!!

But I agree, until it's released officially, no links here on 24/7...and no threads..

We want to support Adam and we can do that by respecting his and his label's discretion on when to release TOH. Which may be very very soon...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:40 PM
We just deleted the link.. :((( Please don't be offended or take it personally..

We do understand why it was posted here because we (speaking for myself anyway!!) are ALL so absolutely EXCITED to hear it.. And can hardly wait to be able to spread the word about what an AWESOME piece of music and brilliant piece of writing it is.. Again, IMHO.. Seriously!!!!!!

So hopefully very very soon we can post it here again..

Anonymous said...

Obviously the answer to a leak on a Chinese website is no.

2h2 hours ago
Esmée ‏@GlamAnus
but Im wondering, The Original High is not on youtube so are we even supposed to hear it..?? @shoshannastone @adamlambert

shoshanna stone – ‏@shoshannastone
@GlamAnus no

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Admins and @3:02

Let it be known this is the FIRST TIME any of my posts have been DELETED by Admins.
Have been on this site for 5-6 years, LOVE ADAM and would never do anything to hurt him or his sales.

Obviously no humour is allowed here anymore, but other posters like @3:02 are allowed to call me nasty and tveir post stays! Hah!!!

The post deleted was not 'nasty', the first line is a famous song title (check it out by Aretha F & Annie Lennox, Sisters are doin' it for themselves!). I was trying to be funny and a bit sarcastic, just telling what I have seen happening in blogosphere, the links, the pm's & dm's re TOH flying around. I have not done ANYTHING, spread no links etc regarding TOH. Don't have Twitter, Instagram. Just called it as I sees it. If that's reaonable cause to delete my post go ahead, delete this too. Give a fu_k if I go down, down, down.... to quote Adam and AGAIN trying to be humouristic! :)))))))))))))

Waiting and Chasing for my Original High!

Anonymous said...

Broddybounce, I'm not 5:20 or 2:38 but I agree with that person. I saw the comment about sisters doing it for themselves and chuckled because I knew DM was all over twitter. We can't post the link but we can privately share the link. Does 3:02 have some misunderstanding about the meaning of the song? It is a feminist anthem, not something "nasty". Or did 3:02 just not like the idea of fans sharing the link? broddybounce, what was your reason for deleting it?

I think the comment needs to be brought back.

I am also sick and tired of the bully comments being left up. If somebody doesn't like what you say they can call you names and troll and bully but their comments are not deleted.

The admins also need to get their act together about what is going to be deleted. Where is that list of what will be deleted that we were promised months ago? There is no consistency.

Totally rubbish about Adam and Sauli is not deleted but this joking comment is. What a crock.

broddybounce said...

Guys, there's no conspiracy here, this is a blog on which the four of us work very hard to bring you the best news and information on Adam. We're not perfect -- we do our best, at times some of it ain't perfection (to say the least), but I think we do a pretty damn good job. But, sure, sometimes things as this slip through the cracks.

@5:20, it is likely that @3:02 simply misinterpreted your comment -- and I may have knee-jerk reacted because it seemed like someone was offended when actually, based on your comments, that wasn't your intention at all. I wasn't positive either what you meant, given that you were using initials for the terms -- in this day and age not everybody gets these terms -- and sometimes the easiest things as that can indeed be misinterpreted.

It goes without saying that we value your comments and input -- and do please repost your comment, 5:20 -- it shall not be deleted. Unfortunately, when we Admins delete comments, Blogger does not allow us to reverse that action.

One thing you have to give us some slack on -- when you post anonymously, we have no idea who you are. So the fact you've been on here 5-6 years -- we LOVE that and appreciate your participation. At this moment there is no requirement to log on with an ID. But if you do post anonymously, and that is your right, still how are we supposed to know who you are, and that you've been here 5-6 years? With Adam's RISING popularity, we have gotten more troll comments twofold, so it takes a great deal more of our time to review comments and distinguish between people who are true fans and authentically posting and those who simply come here to incite arguments.

@5:42, I do have to add here: I appreciate your frustration, but the way you have characterized the actions of us Admins is very much NOT appreciated. Constructive criticism is great. And kindness helps a good deal. There is no spite or malicious intent AT ALL amongst the Admins. If we can improve on something, we will. Trust me, we are VERY open to our readers' suggestions and very open to change for the better. We have already been making lots of changes in how things are presented stylistically and are trying to make the look of the blog more uniform and consistent. Like 5:20, I myself have been with AL 24/7 since almost the beginning and care about it deeply, and I know that @Glitzylady and @Admin_Fan care about it deeply -- as much as we care deeply about Adam. We take what we create on this blog seriously.

I'm certainly open to any further comment -- and I appreciate all the input thus far -- and that includes both 5:20 and 5:42 caring enough to take the time to write.

Anonymous said...

broddybounce, I'm 5:42. I think one of the reasons you think you have more trolls is because there are no clear cut written rules for us to see what will be deleted and the existing people are pushing the boundaries because nothing happens to them. It seems as if anything goes lately. It would be odd to have an uptick in visitors and have so many of them be trolls also leading me to think existing people are pushing boundries because they are getting away with it. I have been asking about the written rules and none of you have responded. It is common to have rules clearly stated.

I think this pushing the boundaries is also seen in the bullying that goes on when somebody doesn't like a comment or doesn't think it is rosy enough about Adam and his career. People here are offended at the slightest thing lately. 3:02's comment is a low level example of this. They called 2:38 nasty and you jumped and deleted 2:38 without much thought and left 3:02 there. Saying it would have changed things if you knew who 2:38 was makes no sense to me. You didn't need to know who 3:02 was. Either 2:38 made an inappropriate comment or not. Why does it matter who they are?

This used to be a place where we could express our opinions and even have reasonable discussion about it. But no more. Now anything less than glowing about Adam or a minority opinion is jumped on by the bullies. There is a lot of name calling and squabbling. I do see part of a moderator's job as not letting that get out of hand and in my opinion it is out of hand. I don't even bother commenting sometimes because I don't want the gang of bullies to attack me. This incident was obviously an issue for me because I saw the bullying comment as getting the innocent comment deleted.

By the way, DM is direct message, PM is private message.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:56 AM
Please email me.. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

@Admins / broddybounce
This is 2:38/5:20, sorry I haven't been able to come back earlier, RL in the way.
I mostly post from my mobile, hence also many typos, missing or wrong letters. I don't save my posts, lol.
The reason I posted @5:20 was that I was called nasty by 3:02 (whose post is still there!) and then deleted by admin although there was no foul language, it was not addressed to anyone in particular, there was nothing against Adam, his management or publicist. Since my post is gone for good, I kindly ask you, please delete post @3:02 too!

The only reason I said I have been here a long time was that I would not be considered to be a troll. I state my own opinions, own them too (like now also), but I prefer being Anon for practical reasons, my choice.

I appreciate the work all of you Admins do for this site. Never doubt that! I've given feedback, been sometimes frustrated but never hurtful or 'nasty'. Glitzylady has always been very helpful and "reachable" & the most interactive of you four, maybe you and AdminFan could raise your profiles a bit and interact more with commenters?.. Understand if the owner of this site prefers to stay more Anon... ;)

Thank you for getting my drift and jumping in, you said so many things so well. I lack the finesse in English, come from a different culture, but don't accept being treated unfairly and for no reason at all.

Anonymous said...

1:04 PM, very well said, you express yourself well in English. Good for you for speaking up. Many of us don't do that enough in the appropriate situation here so our opinions go unheard and we are driven away.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. This has been my Adam home for a long time, thought about leaving for good many times, saddened by so many (Anon and Tagged) long term fans gone MIA or lurking, rarely coming out to post. I'm a straight forward, strong minded person and "I Fight for My Right to Party"... also a song title, lol!

Have a nice day, hopefully streaming Adam's TOH!

Wanted to also correct myself giving wrong info, "Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves" was originally recorded by Eurythmics and Aretha Franklin. Sometimes thought would be nice to see Adam singing a duet with Annie Lennox... :)

2 38/5:20:/1:04 and this post