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Adam Lambert in London!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

Adam is looking gorgeous.

leilani aloha said...

Wow!!! Adam's looking so fresh & fabulously handsome!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Adam's hair needs its own fan site. Yum. Love that shirt, too.

Anne Marie said...

Adam looks great, love the jacket. The ladies are very excited.

Unknown said...

Gosh,Adam looks fantastic and I'm so jealous of those fans that got to meet him. Appreciate the fans sharing their wonderful pics with us!

Anonymous said...

Love the jacket, the shoes, the pants, the eye wear, the accessories, the hair... the facial hair not so much... (jk!)

Wonder how many pilot jackets (the model) he has???

Anonymous said...

One of the hairdressers from American Idol said that Adam had the thickest hair he or she had ever worked with. I like his hair longer on the sides and the back. I don't like the sides and back shaved. So many men are wearing their hair that way, I get tired seeing that style.