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Adam Lambert on local newspaper: Lambert breaks free of Queen!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 22, 2015


Lam-My said...

Yea, reminds me of my favourite Queen song...I Want To Break Free; also iconic songs, Bohemian Rhapsody, WWTLF, TSMGO, IWBTLY, etc...Queen's masterpieces. So now waiting for Adam+Queen to rock Rio...good! at least we can welcome back our comeback kid. I think Adam is not just a comeback kid, he's an evergreen conifer lwl!

Lam-My said...

Like the evergreen conifer
The pine, spruce, casuarina
One never tires of his good looks
And his voice and songs that hook
Till you are down and out cooked lol!
Well, Brian and Roger have their eyes
On their prize which not only sings
But make them cry at times
These three wise guys are the ones to beat
Old, young, all shapes and sizes will swear to it
Now, Queen will wait for their frontman to complete
His Original High hits before they rope him in
For one last trip, their Queen pip lwl!

Lam-My said...

Whoa! Timeslot...look at that, 22 vs 44 ! 4 confronts doubles oooh-la-la...

Catharine Sloper said...

This doesn't have so much to do with the posting I'm writing under. I just had this on my mind and would be interested in what other people thought. I was listening to Adam's recent appearance on Huff Post which is a great venue to catch an interview with a celebrity in a relaxed setting. Adam was talking about how a large part of his fans are middle aged women and he was saying how he is not sure why this is so. I have wondered whether other gay men who could be fans of Adam's work and speak out on behalf of his work and also enjoy it even now feel inhibited about expressing their support of Adam's work. Is it possible that they are so self-hating still, that they are so torn by the idea of an open and out gay musician that they are unable to support one of their own or even enjoy it? I say this because I am a member of a minority group with civil rights issues and I still find that the vast majority of my support ironically comes from people outside my group and not within it. In fact, my people actually ignore my work, refuse to acknowledge it exists, and often try to embroil me in political unpleasantness I don't care to be involved in as a means to undercut me. Could this be a factor in other gay men being unwilling to support the work Adam does, at least not openly? I am curious, but i could really be totally not right. I just wanted to propose it as a consideration. The thing is, middle aged women, particularly those in their fuck you fifties really couldn't care less which gives them the freedom to just enjoy good music without worrying about what anyone thinks of them. This is a privileged position that this particular group of older women have once their kids have left home, they don't have to worry about other people so much, but other groups still feel under scrutiny so perhaps they can be as open about what they enjoy. Just a thought. Anyway, I'd be interested in what other people thought. Regardless of all this, I am truly enjoying the new album and all the fanfare that has come with it.

Lam-My said...

9:52.....I like the candour and depth in your rather well-written passage. Well, I don't have much info regarding the gay community not accepting Adam so readily; but could it also be the fact, Adam is overly successful as a gay artist/singer...kind of intimidating to them. In general, whether it's gay people or's difficult to accept another person who is different especially if he/she seems to stand out in whatever they do, much like Adam and as indicated, yourself too.

Anonymous said...

9:52 PM, the older female fans came from Idol. All the Idols have that same older female fan base from Idol. Listen to a lot of Adam's older fans and you will hear that they have been fans since Idol.

Re the gay men thing, why are they obligated to support Adam's music? Gay people have to like and buy music by other gay people? No. Sounds like you are spouting myths (self-hating) and prejudices, something I would have thought you would have been sensitive to.

Anonymous said...

I'm agree with you that most of sdams fans r middle age women. I myself since idol I him and I admire him coz I know Adam will become a great artist. He has all the potential, talents among other. Even after idol I love him more and I can't wait to see him in future, and change the music industry through his music. Maybe we middle age women knows what is good music and trash music and I could say Adam is one of d best artist what we have but other people don't see it!!!!!

Lam-My said...

I like Adam's music because though it's classified as pop / rock, it's not ordinary pop which I call jingles. lwl! Adam also sings solo mostly while the other pop jingles have a lot of choral voices and auto-tuning so I don't hear the actual singer; only the occasional solo in the song. I mean songs are not jingles lol! Where is the solo voice which is the crucial part of singing. So Adam might have created a new spin-off genre, a blend between pop and classical. Let's see, ahh, how about classic pop...lwl! His singing is classic / operatic / articulated, no doubt about that.

Catharine Sloper said...

The bottom line is that any oppressed group has a large contingent that is self hating and that would not be exclusive to the gay community. I personally feel, and this is just me, that if you are a part of an oppressed group that you are obligated to support the members of that group who are attempting to succeed either artistically and politically. I myself constantly promote leaders in my group as well as artists as a matter of principles. I mean, not if they are corrupt or bad artists, no, but absolutely I feel that obligation and I would hope others that are in my community would do the same. If we cannot support one another in our community, how can we even begin to say we are supporting the liberation of our people. In the fight for equality, the first task is certainly to get people "out" of the closet, but the next task is to make sure that the backstabbing and infighting and jealousy and stomping over one another to satisfy those who are in power stops. I am just wondering from the stats whether this second task is being done when it comes to Adam. Adam's success is the success of the whole group and so if I were a member of the gay community I would see it as my obligation to step forward and do what I can on his behalf. Were there an "Adam" in my particular community, I would certainly be out there stumping for him as much as possible. This is not prejudice, this is practical strategy in regard to moving the revolution forward.

Anonymous said...

im a 52 year old straight man fan of adam since idol have all his albums seen him 3 times in florida put a poster on front of my business one person stopped and wanted to buy it said he paid his daughter to go to a personal show

Anonymous said...

Catherine, that is your personal beliefs. Not everybody thinks the same thing or should think the same. But good for you for doing as much as you can for your community. Would you mind telling us what oppressed minority group you belong to and are fighting for?

Anonymous said...

JAK here........That's a rather misleading column title. It sounds like Queen was holding Adam captive and he escaped.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I took it as a play on the song name, I want to break free.