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Adam Lambert Tweets: "The #GhostTown Video Has Over 4 Million Views! Wow! Thrilled To See The Song Climbing The Radio Charts!"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

Is this song on the billboard top 100 chart yet?

Anonymous said...

When am I going to hear this wonderful song on the radio here in fla???


Anonymous said...

Love GT fave song on the album.

Anonymous said...

brownie, lots of stations in Florida playing it. See this list organized by state.

Anonymous said...

Still not playing it in MN:(

Kath said...

Wow, a radio station can run a song into the ground by playing it so often. I WISH THIS WOULD HAPPEN FOR ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

@Huh, you want adam song to ran into the ground?

Anonymous said...

@Kath, I know exactly what you mean. All I seem to hear is the same Taylor Swift songs over and over and over! I wanna hear Ghost Town doggone it! ;)


Anonymous said...

@6:25 No.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully after Fallon and the GMA appearance it will sell a lot and be on the billboard chart.

Anonymous said...

@June 10, 2015 at 11:14 AM

Answering yourself again I see. Well, you get points for trying to be subtle... but your Debbie downer attitude won't work on any Adam fan with eyeballs. GT doesn't have to blow up the charts to be successful. Where it has gone on the charts already (especially internationally) is a success. Many artists, not even just struggling artists but ones that we know of well, would be quite happy to have a song in a pretty decent spot on Top 40 and HAC charts. I hope for higher chart position for GT, but if it stalls ('though I don't think it will), it'll be considered as doing pretty well for itself. But you keep trying dude...

Anonymous said...

@11:26 I am not 6:25 I am 11:19 and answered the question. I am not a Debbie Downer. Ghost Town is doing great on radio. I sm just saying with more people hearing it , it will do even better. And Billboard success does matter, because that is charting the sells.

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM, you sound a little crazy thinking it's the same person.

Anonymous said...

How about keeping it HAPPY, LIGHT and FUN here, too???!!!

GONGRATS ADAM, onwards to new millions, eh Glamberts !!!!!

Loved GT from the start - keep on being YOU and surprising this fandom over and over and over again!!!