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Adam Lambert Will Be A Presenter On The Much Music Video Awards, Toronto, Canada, Sunday June 21, 2015 Stream Info

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 21, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 21, 2015

SEE UPDATED Info in this newer thread (linked below) on Adam Lambert 24/7

Adam Lambert Will Appear As A Presenter On The MUCH MUSIC Video Awards (Canada) Tonight: Watch via Live Stream (UPDATED Info)

Adam Lambert will be a presenter on The Much Music Video Awards in Toronto, Canada on Sunday, June 21st.

The show runs from 9 to 11 PM Eastern Time, 6 to 8 PM Pacific Time

*Sorry, World Clock is unavailable at this time..

Watch via Much Music Online Stream

*We'll updating this info soon...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting.

The World Clock link doesn't take you to the actual world clock for the event.

glitzylady said...

Thanks... the WC link I embedded isn't showing the screen it should have been.. We'll update when the corrected one is available..

Anonymous said...

He should be performing.

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! This article ................. O^O

I most certainly don't agree with the writer's comments about Adam's FYE album and Trespassing album and he said he hasn't even listened to them!!

choons said...

@ 1:49AM - Yes I agree - but I think his music came out too late for the MMVA's this year - there is voting involved.
However he does get to be a presenter and will walk the red carpet which starts at 8pm EST.
The awards start at 9pm. I don't know who he will be presenting to -
So next year for sure I hope.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Dee R Gee said...

Can't wait to see the vids of Adam as presenter. I'll take him onstage any way I can get him. As for the pic. It's ok. I wouldn't make a soap opera out of it. :)

Anonymous said...

@6:38 AM

Have you nothing better to do then sniff around in this young man's private life; like an undercover agent; or some one who works for TMZ. If you hate drugs so much, then stop using them. Always throwing out the same old inflammable accusations about Adam and weed, and porn stars without any kind of proof. You really do seem crazy. Now you are even scrutinizing his clothes to see if he is wearing weed decorated shirts. I bet if someone sued your behind for slander you would stop this outlandish criminal like behavior! Adam will probably label you line the words in his song, "LITTLE CRIMINAL, I'M CALLING THE POLICE"! You need to really stop this same all song and dance. Even if every thing you said was true (NOT) do you really thing that it would make a difference about how Adam's fans would feel about this beloved man (NO).

Why don't you do something constructive with your time! You really are becoming like the GROUND HOG DAY MALE OR FEMALE, REPEATING THE SAME OLD CRAP OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The more good things that happen to this man; there you are with your police report about all of his perceived wrong doings with bad, bad people. Your so called investigative reporting stinks! You really need to crawl back under that holier than there rock; and stop lying on this gracious wonderful man; he does not deserve this ridculous behavior in any thread that his name is mentioned in!

Nora R., a fan of Adam's for life!

Anonymous said...


No one cares what you think. You sound insane!!! GOODBYE, hopefully for good this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Adam tonight. I bet he is so happy. Things just keep getting better and better for him. So many new people are discovering him. So many people who had forgotten about him from Idol is rediscovering him; WIN, WIN. This could not happen to a better human being. Thanks to all Glamberts, doing a hell of a job supporting this man to help get him where he is today. Let us continue to roll; he needs us now more than ever. Elsa

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Still trying to read to catch up with all of last weeks activities, so many good things to read and see. Darn job prevented my access! Ha, ha. Is it me, or does Adam get more handsome with every passing day?? Gorgeous, sexy, intelligent, out of this world talents! Dare I say, what more can we ask for????

mary lou

Anonymous said...

@6:38 I think Adam wrote There I Said It for you. " I am a grown ass man and I won't live again!

Anonymous said...

@8 09 am
I am not Nora, but, let me say; I won't even try to understand what your motives are. I do believe that once the Administrator's of this Blog see the inflammatory things that you have posted on this Fan Blog dedicated to Mr. Lambert, it will no doubt be DELETED.

You have really accomplished nothing! Adam's private life, whether what you insinuated is true or not, is none of your business. Those that love Adam will always love him. No matter what you say. You really are going beyond the pale here. We are here for his music, for the most part. Maybe you might want to check in some sort of anger management. I think with all you disappointment with the lovely Adam Lambert, you might want to check into your own life and see what is missing there. You cannot raise Adam, first, he is a grown man that I am sure most would love having as a son; second, he already has a mother and it is not you, thank God!! May peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

@June 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM

Sorta agree with you. Adam said on the Saturday Night Online Q&A about TISI being geared a bit more toward society and societal pressures and expectations than a human romantic relationship... that was the feeling I got from the song at the first listen! Glad that question was asked and he answered about TISI, hope a lot of Adam fans take a close listen to his answer!.

I have plans tonight, but look forward to seeing Adam's presenting clips tomorrow, go Adam, no PR get! :)

Anonymous said...

*nice PR get is what I meant :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:09 AM
I feel sorry for you - its good if you find someone else to "follow" than Adam and I hope that he or she can survive though you are a fan.... hope you get a life of your own.
BTW, Im hooked on Adams new album, its great!

Sara from Finland

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM
Well if everything you said is true, I'M CALLING THE POLICE!! "There will be no place for him to hide"!

By the way, which one of these bad boys SCORNED YOU; was it Adam, Joey, or the porn boy group you seem to be so familiar with??? Don't know if you are a male or female, but, hey you seem to have quite as life there! NOT JUDGING, I would never do that; your life; none of my business!! Just saying.

People that live in glass houses should NEVER throw stone. I can hear your glass breaking now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is my ORIGINAL HIGH so beautiful is he, INSIDE AND OUT!!! Love this man so much! When the word charming was first uttered, someone must have been dreaming of Adam M. Lambert.

I hope that is his next single. There are so many singles on this album; I wish everyone of them could be. This album is amazing, with a capital A!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the TOH, also, "THE LIGHT" is glory to my ears. Oh, heck I would be naming the whole album too. This is the first album I ever listened to where I loved everything on it. Heck, if I was a "gazillionaire"; I would bankroll a single for every single song a gift to Adam for all of the world to enjoy!!'

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Anonymous said...

@7:54 & 8:55
Oh get off your soap box, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Adam has no problem with weed, as he advertises on his shirt. He has said he likes it, it relaxes him. There is no difference between weed and alcohol, they are both mind altering drugs.

Anonymous said...

food is a mind altering drug

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is 6:38 AM, 6:42 AM, 7:18 AM and 8:09 AM.

I APOLOGIZE. I should not have posted the link of the photo here. I hope Admins delete my posts.

I just can't stand any kind of drugs b/c I have seen the results of even the mildest ones (weed etc.) at my work. That photo just got me. And maybe my brains are also a bit physically over sensitive. I just heard on Friday that I have meningioma. (Tentative diagnosis. This is true.) I don't say this to get anyone pity me, it is mostly bening disease. I'm just a bit afraid (it is in the brains) and maybe see things too dark. Sorry! This was totally OT. Forgive me!!!

Now I'll leave. And Sara from Finland: I just found Steve Grand to follow.

Anonymous said...

No apologies needed, you are entitled to your opinion about drugs. Not enough people stand up for what they believe. You just happened to say it on a site where there are some people who think Adam can do no wrong, like he above being human.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy this blog site really attracts the kooks. anyhoo Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there.

Anonymous said...

cigarettes are legal and will kill you

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily so. Only effects some people, not all. I have known people in their 80's and 90's who still smoke. Although I agree it is not a smart move to take up smoking, just in case.

Anonymous said...

Where was Adam wearing a shirt with drugs or pot on it?

Anonymous said...

11:51 AM, go look at the pic posted of Adam out with friends. It's about two posts up from this one. Adam has marijuana leaves all over his shirt.

Anonymous said...

JAK says.....I'm wearing a tee shirt with Minnie Mouse on doesn't mean I hang out with mice.

Lynn said...

TO Jak ... Your comment gave me the biggest laugh just now. I love it. Thanks you.

Dee R Gee said...

JAK, your perfect post put all this idiocy into perspective. Thanks for your constant sanity and delightful humor. Thank goodness we have you here to keep this often rocky ride from flying off the tracks.

Anonymous said...

JAK, but it does say you like Minnie Mouse and approve of her.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The gay porn stars plus the shirt is a media disaster waiting to happen. I don't understand why he would pose for this picture when his album is just out and needs sales.

Anonymous said...

I heard Nate Reuss will be there also, Adam can say hi to him, since he knows him. Nate has been getting exactly the same kind of promo work that Adam has been getting. Even the morning tv shows, and evening ones too. His album is pretty close to Adams on the charts.

Anonymous said...
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