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All Music Guide's "New Music This Week"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Although we already posted earlier the excellent review of The Original High in All Music Guide, today they sent out their weekly "New Music This Week" e-mail, which majorly highlights Adam...

If you missed the review, here is our original post where the review was linked:


Dee R Gee said...

Just went to my local Target and bought two TOH CDs. Both are gifts. My Amazon copies are being shipped. Been streaming!

Dee R Gee said...

They just came in the mail!

Anonymous said...

Adam on loose women broadcast today

Anonymous said...

If you can afford to by more CDs or GT singles next week we should do that too to try and keep both up on the charts. That will help keep radio interested.

Anonymous said...

Lambert Music 411 ‏@LambertMusic411
ICYMI - When buying Adam's CD in-store at retailers, DO NOT buy > 5 copies in 1 purchase. More may not count for Billboard chart!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know how many CDs were preordered?

Dee R Gee said...

When I went to my Target today, TOH was on the top row of the rack along with James Taylor. That made me feel good. I bought two copies of TOH. I read a post by a fan on Atop latertoday who said that she went to her Target, too, and TOH was on the top row. She was talking to an employee who said that the marketing manager told them to stock the CDs that way. Adam on top! I would guess that this is how it is in all Targets?

Anonymous said...

Since Warner has a deal with Target for TV commercials and the video in the stores it probably includes where the CDs are displayed. Warner has put a lot of money into this.