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From MTV Finland: New Adam Lambert Interview (VIDEO): Adam Chats About Finland: Finnish Food, Reindeer In Lapland, Beautiful Finnish Eyes, etc..

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 7, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 07, 2015

From MTV Finland: New Adam Lambert Interview

*Screen Cap of Interview from the website.. The Video requires Microsoft Silverlight, or similar web browser, to play,  downloadable from the MTV Finland website. Try playing the video from the MTV Finland website (link below) first.. See the tweet at the bottom of this page for an ALTERNATIVE viewing option via @adamlambertnation website if you are unable to view the MTV website*

Title of the Video translated from Finnish and link to MTV Finland website:

Video: Finland - fan of Adam Lambert MTV.fille : I would like to take a look at the reindeer in Lapland


Translation of article (from Google Translate):

Yankee Star Adam Lambert made a quick visit to Finland on Saturday and appeared in Live Aid

Adam Lambert gave MTV.fille interview in Helsinki at the hotel on Saturday afternoon, before moving to the Olympic Stadium.

 Lambert socialized in the past with Finnish BB-winner Sauli Koskinen, so our country is familiar to him. Lambert remembers his first visit to a special detail. 

 - I remember when I first came to Finland after the release of the first album. All I thought was really beautiful eyes! It was strange, I shared autographs shopping center and all considered for the girls there was an incredibly beautiful eyes. It was fascinating. 

Lambert has visited Finland on several occasions, but has not, at least not yet had time to travel to Lapland. It is [his] wish list.

- I would like to see the deer and experience traditional Lapland visit. I hope it is realized, sometimes, says Lambert. 

 See the video Lambert's experience of Finnish food. What he thought about the reindeer?


Alternative viewing option:

Adam Lambert MTV Interview Via @adamlambertnation webpage


Anonymous said...

Adam always has a special place in our hearts.


Anonymous said...

Aww. <3

Anonymous said...

Here some video of Adam in Finland: "A visit to a children's hospital (in Boston) influenced for my arrival to Finland"

Anonymous said...

This promo is different, in that there's the US and the international markets being targeted. Has to succeed after all this with great sales, which are what is needed.

Anonymous said...

I love

"he socialized with BB Sauli K"