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Ghost Town Cafe in the desert around Las Vegas!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 1, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 01, 2015


Anonymous said...

I retweeted her. Glad you saw it. I'd walk in there and start dancing to Ghost Town playing in my iPhone! :) <3

Remember era 2 everything was No Trespassing signs and caution tape. Now it's everything Ghost Town and old saloon. Haha we have fun.

Unknown said...

Very cool, maybe going to Las Vegas this summer I'llhave to check it out.

The Dark Side said...

Ghost towns have a certain allure. Adam Lambert has a great deal of allure.

Anonymous said...

Why do people think Lambertlust runs this site?

Lam-My said...

Yea, I like this scenario...could have been included in the GT video and the dance sequence performed just outside the Ghost Town cafe. In any case the lyric originated in the desert. Not to diminish the actual GT video which features a lot of Adam close-ups, that is excellent.