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Lucky Fans met Adam Lambert at the airport!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, June 5, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 05, 2015


Anne Marie said...

Which airport? UK or Finland, I think he is in Finland today to rehearse for the show tomorrow. Hope I got that right.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, Amsterdam.

glitzylady said...

Yes, he's in Amsterdam today to be on the "RTL Late Night show.."

glitzylady said...

See the info in the previous thread here for Adam's performances on "The Alan Carr Show: Chatty Man" (pre-taped in the UK) AND "RTL Late Night Show" in Amsterdam (live).. World Clock/Event Time Conversions and Live Stream info

Anonymous said...

They were so looking forward to meeting Adam. I was following them on Twitter.

Anne Marie said...

glitzylady and 10:17
Thanks, I thought I did not have it right.

glitzylady said...

@Anne Marie
It's VERY hard to keep up with Adam right now!!! :)))

Anne Marie said...

I thought he travelled tonight to Finland for the Charity Show tomorrow.

glitzylady said...

And can I say:


Anonymous said...

Always women. Adam has no male fans :(

Anonymous said...

which is hardly atypical. Ask Jason Derulo

Anonymous said...

Pleas vote for Adam on VH1. I have seen him all week but not this morning on the three hour block. Check several time taped it. Did not tape or see the thirty minute one after the buzz live.
It was climbing the top twenty so need to vote get it back on. Know they don't stay forever on but it was just now climbing top twenty to soon go off.
May still be on top twenty this week goes back a week. I don't get wifi or I vote a lot I have tried Won't let me must have WiFi. I know with all the streaming and such people forget not to mention busy life's. It was just climbing top twenty so pleas when you have time give it all the views you can get it going again for the ones have WiFi know most do unfortunately I don't darn it. Thank you. Going watch Adam official bid I can do that.

Anonymous said...

Least I can do that to help him.

Anonymous said...

It's not always woman I seen many male fans. Lot seem to like GT. But woman seem to do a lot more stuff like this .

Anonymous said...

So what if the majority of Adam's fans are women!!!:))) Adam is a ladies man and it shows around the world eh!!!:) As far as I know, men are rallying behind him too so that's a win, win for everyone indeed!!!:) Just celebrate the good and the bad!!!:))).


Anonymous said...

I agree, his hair looks divine. I'd love to run my hands through it. ;) Gorgeous smile also. He and the fans look so happy - what a treat!


Anonymous said...

Canadian, do you know what the expression 'ladies man' means? It's not a compliment.

Anonymous said...

Most of Adam's fans are of females, young, old and in between.