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Stockholm Listening Party With Adam Lambert: Interview (Audio + 1Video Clip), Song List (7: GT, TOH, EITN, ALN, U, TISI, R)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Stockholm Listening Party with Adam Lambert: June 2, 2015

Interview with Kristoffer Triumf, 1brief video, and the poster from the event. 

The listeners heard 7 songs from "The Original High" (including 2 previously unheard songs!):

'Ghost Town'
'The Original High'
'Evil  In The Night'
'Another Lonely Night'
'There I Said It'
'Rumors (feat Tove Lo)'



Anonymous said...

So Cool!

sunny said...

It is so much fun with Adam doing all these interviews in Sweden. Twitter is a joy to read because of the love coming out of Sweden. Someone tweeted that Adam went up from #41 on iTunes Sweden to #11. Don't quote me on those numbers, but it has been a dramatic change.

Anonymous said...

Ghost Town has 6 million views on Spotify!!

Anonymous said...

Do we actually get to listen to new songs? Im at work and so i cannot open the videos right now.

Anonymous said...

@12:37 No just interviews.

Anonymous said...

1:19 PM, thank you! I had started listening and it is so hard to hear. The title made me think the songs would be there.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Adam so uncomfortable in an interview. He is usually jovial and he smiles and he is excited to speak to the interviewer. This guy was so boring, Adam did not have a chance to laugh or even smile. Adam looked bored, and he never looks bored! The interview was so dry and he did not seem that interested in what Adam was saying.