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Vote for Adam Lambert: Who is your Most Stylish Male at the #MMVAs?

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 22, 2015


Anonymous said...

Estimated chart numbers just starting to come in. With only 47% reporting Adam has jumped from #8 to #2. Hopefully that will hold. Caution, it can change depending on who is reporting so far.

Anonymous said...

Is this poll a joke?
Do people know what the word stylish means?
lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gorgeous there is really no contest. Just wish he'd mess up that perfect hair just a little. However wishing that ...he should and will always do his own thing.

Anonymous said...

Adam only has 10% of the vote. Vote.(Join Twitter and buy albums and stream) lol j/k

Anonymous said...

Um Ed Sheeran really? I'm a fan of Ed but seriously Adam is a lot more stylish than he is. Perfect hair, gorgeous everything. I think Adam needs some extra points for arriving in a Rolls- Royce (;

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam shook their hand like he did mine at B&N, which being unexpected, caused me to forget details, such as what he looked like. My family still shaking their heads that I don't recall anything but his hand was soft.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

ADAM 'out-styles' (my new word) any of the males on that poll or any other male on that stage for that matter with only a brief glimpse of him whereas the other 'nominees' were out there performing ... thus they were visible much longer!! THAT is what they consider a 'Poll'?? ADAM deserves more than a five minute presentation ... IMO .. ADAM should have got an award for the CLASSIEST ARRIVAL on the RED CARPET!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

Anon 1:33 maybe that will be one of the "styles" yet to be adorned by the Glam One. I just love it when some of that beautiful mane falls onto his forehead even if its just a tiny bit.