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Adam Lambert Australian tour dates announced for January!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, July 29, 2015


kitty said...
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kitty said...

I would love to go to Aust to see this tour and the land. I might be too old by the time the I Chased It and Caught it Tour comes around. Lol

Anonymous said...

WOW, The Adelaide entertainment centre is HUGE

Dee R Gee said...

I'm SO jealous! I hope he puts together a really great show, one that will do him proud in the U.S., too. He needs a well-produced, classy but crazy, fun show that shows off all his amazing talents! Bring it on, Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

I'm SO jealous! I hope he puts together a really great show, one that will do him proud in the U.S., too. He needs a well-produced, classy but crazy, fun show that shows off all his amazing talents! Bring it on, Adam!

CeeJay said...

Sounds like another Trespassing tour. Small venues. No US? These venues are under 4000. Disappointed to say the least.

choons said...

Perhaps these smaller venues will give him a chance to work out a full-on show.
We can only hope.
And I hope he doesn't forget Canada!

Anonymous said...

I think it is just the beginning.
The Adelaide Entertainment centre is huge, saw Bette Midler there years ago. Though maybe they can just open out some of it and make a smaller venue, I don't know.
Hoping against hope he hops over here to NZ while he is in this part of the world

Dee R Gee said...

I say give him a chance to get a tour going of any size. Put a show together, regardless of the size of the venue. He has LOTS of fans in Australia. It's a great place to start touring and working out how he wants his shows to be. Word gets out that it's a really good show, and he'll likely keep touring elsewhere. I wouldn't be disappointed to see him perform live regardless of where it is. A U.S. tour likely hasn't been planned yet. He's only had one single from TOH so far, and it's doing quite well.

krismidas said...

Dee R Gee, I am jealous too! But I really think this is great news. I'm very optimistic that there will be more shows in more countries added in time. The Original High era is building nicely!

Lam-My said...

I commented earlier on, when he included songs from all three of his albums, that Adam was prepping for his Original High tour. Well, this region is a goldmine not some ole ghost town lwl! He brings something different of high quality. I think it's okay, small or big venues; added up together, it's sizable. In the end all goes into his coffers.

Lam-My said...

Illusionary dragon
Tattooed with symbolisms
Spews fiery love potions
Poetry in motion to entice his fandom
Gearing up for fierce forward action
Launches a thousand ships across blue oceans
Catapults The Original High
Untapped goldmine...time for a fly-by
Reminds me of Pluto...
Watch out ! it comes zooming across the Pacific sky...
Er no...not's Adam's High
He chased it...he caught Paradise ! lwl!

Anonymous said...

I Wonder why the venue sizes are so inconsistent? Maybe he's trying to see If he could possibly fill Adelaide Centre. If he can't fill it, or doesn't get a good audience turnout, his team and himself, will most likely try to book the intimate theatre gigs done for Glamnation. If they sell all the tickets to the smallest show, he'll probably stick to a small- scale tour if one were to be made. But I think if he's going to do a tour, it should be significantly larger than the his shows back in 2009 or 2012.

Anne Marie said...

Cee-Jay, I don't think a 4000 venue is small for Adam, he had much smaller ones in his last 2 tours. He has to test the waters, he has no idea how many venues he can fill. This will give him some idea, remember he is not with Queen, who can fill any size in the world, he is making a comeback. He only has one single out, and to some extent he is still an unknown. He is not in the big leagues, yet. His followers are small in comparison to the bigger stars. It would be ridiculous to book a bigger venue of say 10,000 to 15,000, and only have it quarter filled. Much better to start smaller and see if he will need bigger venues. I don't see any reason for anyone to be disappointed. At this point Adam does not even know if he can fill a 4000 venue.

Anne Marie said...

On further checking those venues are around 2,500, and he will probably use the smaller venue at the Adelaide, of 2000. He has nothing to go on, as to how Australia feels about him yet. He is definitely testing the waters, and getting comfortable with his band, it's nothing like when he tours with Queen, and they are all so comfortable together, like a close family. Even his past 2 tours he had a band that was like his family, they were all close friends. This is almost like starting over from scratch.

Gabi said...

This is great news! I'm sure Adam's team knows how to evaluate the market and how to "test the waters" and go from there. Starting with Australia is probably part of a good strategy. For now, I'm just glad that Ghost Town keeps climbing the charts while I'm hopeful for a worldwide tour eventually. I'm certainly not expecting arena size concerts at this point in Adam's career, but I'm glad that things are happening already while the first single hasn't even reached its full potential yet.

Dee R Gee said...

Gabi, I agree with you. OZ is a good place to put together a show that will adapt to many kinds of venues. He DOES have a good fan base in Australia. If his tour can make an impact there (it's a great world market to crack), it's likely that he can go on the road elsewhere. I'm thinking that his Aussie fans are going to love his shows and they'll spread the word. Hope the media coverage of the shows is strong, too.

JAK said...

What is the deciding factor on when a second single comes out? He needs another song out.
I know I am in the minority ...... not liking Ghost Town ...... but it couldn't hurt to have a change of pace out too.
There I Said It or TOH or ALN.....all good vibes.

choons said...

And smaller venues mean the audience can be closer - a bonus for us.
In a stadium with seats in the gods you may as well wait for the videos.