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WarnerMusicSA Tweets: Two South African Radio Stations Interview Adam (July 4, 2015) (UPDATED!)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, July 4, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, July 04, 2015


Admin Note: We will post this interview when it is made available! 

Audio to the 5FM interview
(with our appreciation to Mixcloud user @Grrr_Unt):


Anonymous said...

Ghost Town was number 14 on vh1 The 20 or countdown 20. Yay! Stream it on Spotify and watch the music video to get it to number 1.

Anonymous said...

Thanks broddybounce. Happy 4th of July to u and everyone on 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I already can hear the screaming fans for 2016 concert!!:) BRAVO indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July Glamberts. Love to you all.πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ†πŸŽˆπŸ‘»πŸŒ‡

Dee R Gee said...

Great interview! Adam sure knows how to handle an interview. A real pro! Gotta do more streaming now. Happy July 4, everyone!

CT said...

Happy 4th of July everyone! We should all be celebrating Adam's success in the UK and SA. US is coming along nicely:)

YAY for Adam's MV moving up to #14 on Vh1....just keep viewing the mv on Vh1 and it will move up!

Back to streaming GT on Spotify now:) Have a great day Glamberts :)))

Anonymous said...

Didn't find Adam at all on BIG FAIL!

Anne Marie said...

Listening to this interview, Adam sure knows how to use his filter when he does not want to give a direct answer. He didn't actually answer very many question, or changed the direction of the question. Wish he had used his filter, as we know he can, when he was asked about his own love personal high. He forgot his filter on that one.

Anonymous said...

Adam rarely uses a filter but perhaps he's received a lot of nasty feedback from a recent interview where he spoke from the heart. Sad .... Adam should be able to say what he wants to say and make no apology for it. He's said he doesn't like being told what to do so we'll see what his future interviews bring.

Anonymous said...

Some filter is good. I wouldn't encourage anybody to be an open book in public. Going to the extreme, If we all would be honest in everything we say, we would exterminate the whole mankind in a short while by expressing, what we really think and feel of each other.