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Adam Lambert's New Billboard Magazine Cover!! "Music's MEN Of STYLE" (8-29-15 Issue) PLUS Billboard Instagram Video!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Adam Lambert is on the cover of Billboard Magazine!

"Music's MEN Of STYLE" cover article..

"The year's best-dressed in a stunning portfolio"

"I'm not a waify little 22-year-old model, as much as I'd like to be, for fashion's sake" ~Adam Lambert

August 29, 2015 Issue (Adam is on one of four covers...)

BILLBOARD Instagram Video: 
See all four Billboard Magazine covers, including Adam Lambert's here: Click on arrow to view 

And Billboard's tweet with all four covers:


Unknown said...

Congratulations Adam M. Lambert... You have truly made it to the big time. Do you know haw many singers get the cover of Billboard magazine... (The DJ's bible) not many. You are truly UNIQUE!!!!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Thud. This is another great coup for Adam. Can't wait to see the issue.

Magiclady said...

He looks so young and cute here! No surprise. Congrats on the cover!

Naupaka18 said...

Beautiful face!!!

CT said...

One of the best photos of Adam I've ever seen (and there have been soooo many). They chose an amazing photo of Adam for the cover! He looks so young and fresh! The green jacket....we haven't seen him in this one only a few times and I love it!

Congrats've made the big time. You could easily be a doubt about it. WOW <3333

broddybounce said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Cover! Bravo, Adam! And I'm sure he's thrilled one of his music faces, Miguel, is on there, too. Really proud of Adam, and he just looks incredible.

Anonymous said...

He looks like super expensive art

Gabi said...

A very different picture for this era, and I love it!!! He looks so dreamy and handsome and natural. Perfect! I think Adam's charisma and unique style have earned him quite the celebrity status already.

JAK said...

Ha cha cha!

Rosepetal said...

The man looks finger lickin....drool worthy good as always. Billboard should provide towelettes and a napkin with this issue.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Lord. That is one beautiful cover photo. Caught him perfectly.

donna w said...

I agree with Dee R Gee..........'THUD!"

I can't wait to see the inside spread! Congrats Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

No way is Adam a wimpy little 22 year old model. He's a broad-shouldered, broad-chested. long-legged, perfectly proportioned grown-ass MAN! Wears clothes more beautifully that any man I've ever seen.

CT said...

Couldn't have said it better Dee R Gee!

Jean Renard said...

I have to say that my favorite look of all time for Adam was the WAY HE LOOKED in June, 2012, when he did the open-air concert in Kiev with Queen. OMG, he was so devastatingly handsome with that dark shorter hair and clean-shaven boyish face. I go back ever so often to watch that entire concert and it is still so top notch with his voice and youthful look. Queen was also on fire that rock and roll night and this concert will forever be in the annals of musical history. Go back and watch it again and embed in your mind that magical Kiev concert with the talent of Adam Lambert displayed in all its glory. Margarita Lady

The Dark Side said...

No it to put to fine a point omit but his cover sold out immediately.. OK then

blu said...

Jean Renard . . . I second that . . I go back and watch the whole concert too!

love the part where they show Mary (Freddy's BF) and also when they start chanting

Adam, Adam when he comes out for second part of concert.....

This is one of my favorites . . .

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I have this DVD & I watched it over until the player died (have to buy another one) ADAM looked exceptionally STUNNING that night (as always) ... my heart skips a beat when he sings WWTLF ... sooo beautifully ... gives me chills too!! As Dee R Gee so eloquently put it ... *THUD*!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Oops!! Meant to say 'watched it over & OVER until the player died'!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

SueeW said...

Adam photographs incredibly from every angle. I think the issue with Adam on the cover sold out after a second release as well. I checked on Billboard the day after the issue was announced and Adam's was sold out and the three other covers were available. I hope People Magazine gets a whiff of this and they put Adam on the cover. Adam should be People's Sexiest Man Alive this year, because he is. It is really a good year for them to do it because Adam would be the first gay man they would pick and it is the year for these kinds of breakthroughs.