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AdamIG: "There I Said It" from the recording booth! (snippet)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Found this from last year in the booth... #thereisaidit #theOriginalHigh

A video posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


Anonymous said...


Catharine Sloper said...

Just so amazing, this snippet. And a great Anthem for people like me who aren't apologizing any more! There I said it!

daydreamin said...

GASP is right and I'm no longer aplogogizing anymore either! Moving on!

daydreamin said...
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choons said...

I love hearing him take a breath ...

Magiclady said...


I feel the same way...god I love to hear him sing, talk, breathe

Anonymous said...

Choons and Magiclady, Lol. Me to.

Rosepetal said...

It not possible for me to express what this amazing song means to me. It has empowered me. Last week I wrote a letter to the remaining living wolf that raised me and said ...I forgive you. I don't want to ever see or think of you again, but all in all you are just someone I used to know. I feel free.

I agree, simply hearing him breathe is inspiring, comforting and mesmerizing. When I was a little girl my neighbor had a weeping willow tree, I loved that tree . I used to lay awake and watch it sway in the breeze, I often wonder what sound that beautiful amazing tree would make if had a voice I know.

Dee R Gee said...

Rose Petal, Your post brought tears to my eyes. Isn't it incredible how much power music can have? It moves the soul and stirs the heart and gives us courage when we have none. And it seems that in your case, it finally gave you closure. Music can transcend so many obstacles. I'm so glad you finally feel free. Adam touches so many people like that, more than he'll ever know.

Rosepetal said...

Thank you. Music is truly an amazing art.... And Adam is a true gift

JAK said...

Rose Petal.......< xxx's and ooo's