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NZ's THE HITS Radio: Morning Team Polly & Grant To Interview Adam — and they do something special for an NZ Adam Fan!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, August 04, 2015

My mum Lyn Hepburn has been diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis doesn’t look good with doctors only giving her months to live.  The one and only thing on her bucket list and the thing that is giving her hope to stay strong for is the absolute hope and dream of an opportunity to meet Adam Lambert. ... Adam Lambert is her absolute will to live…

Polly was so thrilled to make Lyn's dream come true! She's set to meet Adam, and see his show, live in Auckland at The Civic...


CT said...

OMG! What a story....I've got tears in my eyes reading her story sent in by her loving daughters and then Polly telling Lynn she will meet Adam in person and he can't wait to meet her...WOW, what a heart wrenching story. Bless her heart and I know Adam will give his love to her.

Daydreaminmylif said...

I'm am thrilled for Lynn! Those are some amazing daughters. Nice job!

funbunn40 said...

So touched by Lynda's daughters & Polly giving this incredible, meaningful gift to Lynda & Adam who will share his beautiful spirit and voice with this brave Glambert. I'm also in tears & wish her comfort and a great hug from Adam.