Rockers Alice Cooper & Paul Rodgers Discuss Queen, Adam Lambert (VIDEO)
Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, August 9, 2015
Posted at : Sunday, August 09, 2015
Classic rockers Alice Cooper and former Queen associate Paul Rodgers (of "Free" and "Bad Company" rock groups) discuss Queen, Adam Lambert and his association with the legendary group.
Alice Cooper has been an appreciative fan of Adam Lambert's talent and voice since Adam's time on American Idol..
From Vintage (published on March 13, 2015)
LINK: Rock Legends Cruise III: Alice Cooper & Paul Rodgers Q & A (starting with the Queen & Adam Lambert discussion....)
And Alice Cooper clearly isn't the only classic rocker who totally GETS what a talent Adam Lambert truly is:
Rocker Meat Loaf chatting about Adam Lambert on the radio in 2009... total fanboy!!! You may have heard this before, but always worth another listen!!! Meat Loaf is one of us when it comes to Adam Lambert!
Listen in here:
Alice Cooper has been an appreciative fan of Adam Lambert's talent and voice since Adam's time on American Idol..
From Vintage (published on March 13, 2015)
LINK: Rock Legends Cruise III: Alice Cooper & Paul Rodgers Q & A (starting with the Queen & Adam Lambert discussion....)
And Alice Cooper clearly isn't the only classic rocker who totally GETS what a talent Adam Lambert truly is:
Rocker Meat Loaf chatting about Adam Lambert on the radio in 2009... total fanboy!!! You may have heard this before, but always worth another listen!!! Meat Loaf is one of us when it comes to Adam Lambert!
Listen in here:
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For the Alice cooper vid go to 36:15 for the start of the Queen/ Adam conversation.
It should start at that point already...or did it not work that way for you?? (The embedded video.) The linked one should do the same...
Or just a little bit before that, for the lead up to the convo... :)))
And thanks for the info for any that might need it.. appreciated!!!
Loved hearing Alice Coopers comments on the fabulous Adam Lambert. Not too crazy about the (hopefully) tongue in cheek laughter from Paul about Adam's "look"
Sounded a bit like a nasty laugh as far as i was concerned.......maybe a little jealousy?? Personality, as soon as he said that he hasn't ever bothered to see or hear Adam sing with Queen, i knew he had/has a problem with Adam.
Seriously? Does he think we're stupid? If i toured with an iconic band for FOUR years and was replaced with a younger, better looking and a possibly better vocalist, believe me, i'd want to check him out! He's just not man enough....or secure enough to admit it!!!
yeah, I didn't quite believe Paul R. when he said he hadn't checked Queen + Adam out since he had moved away from them. I agree with Donna W.....maybe he didn't want to admit that he wasn't as good a fit to sing Queen songs as Adam.
I do think Paul has an incredible voice though and certainly he's done very well in his career but Adam is in a league of his own IMO.
I may be wrong but Paul R. had just played at one of the venues, QAL came to. It would not have hurt to give Adam his props, glad Alice C. stepped up to compliment Adam singing with Queen. Seem to recall very early on Paul R. making a statement that perhaps Adam wouldn't do well with Queen. Sour grapes maybe.
I did not appreciate any part of this. Paul Rodgers is not being truthful and I did not understand Alice Cooper saying that Paul did his own interpretation of the songs but Adam did not. He said Adam was spot on and that was complimentary I guess. Did not like this post.
That took me back a bit too. Adam is the one who put his own interpretation into Queen's catalog of songs. That comment sort of baffled me too.
But the part that made me mad and hurt my feelings was when they were laughing about Adams "look". WTF???? Adam is perfect for Queen........hello??? Do they honestly think that Freddie wore a business suit to his concerts??? NO!!! His flashiness was a trademark of Queen and Adam brought that image back to Queen. (unlike the freaking dirty grunginess that Paul presented......yuck)
Adamisamazing, I didn't appreciate any part of this either. I found their exchange to be offensive, particularly when they were laughing about Adam's "look" being a fit for Queen, with the "not that there's anything wrong with that" comment. What kind of homophobic shit is that?
Paul Rodgers sounded like he couldn't be bothered to check out QAL, but surely he heard/read some of the many reviews that pronounced Adam a much better fit with Queen than Rodgers ever was. I don't believe for a minute that he didn't take a peek at "the new guy". And maybe Alice Cooper did see an early jam session in which Adam stayed close to Freddie's interpretations. But for Cooper to suggest that Adam didn't give his own spin to the songs when actually touring with Queen is ignorant. Not impressed with any of this. Guess it's difficult to be in your twilight years as performers and see someone younger, better looking and more talented coming up.
In all fairness, glitzylady almost didn't post this but I encouraged her to. I think it is relevant to what we do here on this blog and, although Alice was a bit off the mark on the point about originality -- as all of us well know, Adam NEVER ever copied Freddie for a minute, he has always put ADAM into his Queen interpretations -- for a great classic rocker like that to express the amount of complimentary consideration that he did is, at least for me, pretty noteworthy, and I appreciated it, same as what Meat Loaf did years back, as glitzylady pointed to in the audio clip.
"The look" comment didn't come across to me as an insult -- to me he was merely referencing that Adam's style matched well with Freddie's style -- nothing wrong with that.
Yes, Paul Rodgers perhaps wasn't being truthful, but he may have been taking to heart the old saying "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," probably with the knowledge that the media would hyper-sensationalize whatever he says, especially because the Adam vs. Paul Rodgers media-hyped "controversy" has been out there awhile. That is not to say I'm a Paul Rodgers fan because I am not.
I think the admins are pretty sensitive to refrain from posting anything blatantly hateful towards Adam, but we definitely have posted here divergence of opinion, such as in some reviews, as a means to document what's in the press -- although in this post, I do not believe there actually was that much 'divergence,' if you will. But, more than that, the opinions that you've all posted above are excellent and, to me, it was a very good thing this post promoted that type of discourse.
I honestly LOVE reading anything about Adam......and i NEVER thought that you shouldn't have posted this.
We're all adults and can take it.....i loved that Alice was pretty much complimentary towards Adam and was happy that he thought Adam would be a perfect fit for Queen the first time he heard him.
Rogers came off as arrogant.....whatever.......... Adam would NEVER act like that towards a fellow artist.
All the more reason to love him!
You're doing a GREAT job! Keep ALL the articles coming!!
krismidas Thanks for your comment. I agree with what you said 100%. To the admin, I appreciate this site as it is a positive, thoughtful and interesting forum for huge Adam fans like myself. I haven't commented on any post for at least a year. And I know you considered whether or not to post the vid. It was just a very surprising post because the negative outweighed the positive and that is an unusual occurrence here.
Thank you for your understanding and appreciation of the comments provided. Your hard work, dedication and kindness is amazing.
I thought this was pretty interesting - for a lot of people, Adam is totally off the radar - I know, it's inconcieveable to us Glamberts. But here was Alice Cooper, an aging rocker, who is upfront in his complete admiration for Adam. And the blahblah about 'the look'- Alice Cooper was famous for his eyeliner.
Broddybounce, please don't think I was suggesting that this clip shouldn't have been posted. That never even crossed my mind.
Donna w's comment at 8:34 summed it up pretty well for me. Rogers seemed arrogant. And while Alice Cooper was initially complimentary about Adam's voice, their little joke about his look sounded to me like a jab at Adam's orientation. Maybe the jerky vibe I picked up on was more from Rodgers than Cooper.
Thank you glitzy for posting this. Again, my comments were in the spirit of discussion, not criticism of those of you who give time and energy to keep us up to date on the latest Adam news. I am here reading every day, even if I only post occasionally.
I agree with all of the posts that don't believe Paul R hasn't checked out Adam. I'm sure he is a bit hurt especially when Brian May even said that Paul wasn't the best fit for the band. Not to mention him saying that Adam's voice is 1 in a billion. I was actually sort of surprised that Brian would say that about Paul in a public forum. He is bound to hear about it. Oh well. Time to move on. Now that Adam is in the spotlight with Queen, I will await with baited breath for the upcoming South American shows.
Yeah, Alice Cooper is right, we, many of Adam's fans lived under the impression that he would choose rock to make a career. And he did , for a while, I still think that The Glam Rock Era was his most promising stage, vocally mainly.Fabulous ! Unfortunately but understandably he had a change of heart and turned to pop, an easier,quicker way to stardom. And to be honest I'd also had a change of heart, it was more suited to Adam's personality.What re-fueled my hopes and confusion again was his memorable World Tour with Queen followed by the release of an EDM Album, is he a rock singer who turned to pop, is he a pop singer who can sing soft rock, and sometimes , when he wants, even hard rock? Maybe, this is his charm, to play with different genres ! But let's not blame A.C. or P.R. that they don't understand either.
I'm pushy, I know, Adam's label, can you hear me, I'm still waiting for an accompaniment band, I don't want "dummies" any more.
Maybe one of the mods will answer me, this time! For more than a week I have a problem with the way the texts show on the screen, they are much bigger, this is not a problem, the fact that I can't read them to the end, this is my problem.Is it the same for everybody ?
This is why I love this board and the 24/7 community! Thank you guys, your comments are awesome, and we admins appreciate everything that everyone said. I may have been reading a bit too deep into a few posts, getting the wrong impression that we erred in posting this post at all, and I do apologize for the incorrect assumption.
I'm glad people appreciate what we're trying to do here -- which definitely is mostly positive and fully supportive of Adam and his music -- and you might be surprised at how much time we admins spend deliberating amongst each other when there are articles / news reports /social media items that we feel may go just a bit beyond the pale of what we're trying to accomplish here.
It is heartening and inspiring that 24/7 readers come to these comments sections and express their opinions in such a constructive way. I, for one, love reading all of them. Thank you again so much, guys -- keep the comments coming!
To Pan, Adam was never going to make "rock" his career and if some fans thought he would that's down to them not him. FYE was actually pure pop - with a hint of rock not "rock". He didn't "have a change of heart" and it wasn't about an "easier quicker way to stardom" it was about what he loves doing most. He has always been a fan of pop music first & foremost and has never made a secret of that. He has consistently stated his icons/mentors/fave artists to be POP singers not rock artists and has always been clear he wants to make pop music. The fact that American Idol slotted him in as a rock singer is neither here nor there. Adam knew that was the path to take on that particular show at the audition - that's all it was, the right style for that particular project. There's no confusion with QAL tour and his own music on TOH either - one thing has nothing to do with the other. He has always said TOH will NOT be like Queen's music & would be pop/RnB/dance. Again, Queen was a separate PROJECT. I dont know why people keep trying to push him into a music genre box anyway, he loves mixing genres and loves other artists that do the same. Anyway, PR & AC don't know anything about Adam's music AFAIK & even if they do, their comments had nothing to do with Adam's music so I'm not sure why that's relevant. Alice didn't seem to me to be insulting Adam at any point but Paul definitely was. I don't think Paul was pleased when Alice started praising Adam. He really has a huge chip on his shoulder about that. And he's delusional if he thinks fans loved him with Queen. They really didn't.
Thank you, thank you for your Being Adam Lambert kind of post, oh ,God how, could I have known without it that Adam loves pop, that Queen+Adam Lambert is another project and, the favorite of my favorites, The Original High will NOT be like Queen's music, and all the other platitudes you have just enumerated?!
As humble as I can be, and I'm usually not , I dare to remind you that Adam began his career as a performing singer in a rock band, Citizen Vein .(No, no , I haven't forgotten his theater years). I also , if you don't mind , want to remind you, that FYE is not pure pop, Music Again glam rock-Justin Hawkins, Soaked rock ballad-Matt Bellamy, Sleepwalker pop/rock (which is not a hint of rock, check on wiki)-Ryan Tedder, Time for Miracles pop/rock ,which is not a hint of rock. And Adam himself in interviews declaring that he wished to return to his rock roots, he didn't. So be it.I don't need a "scholar" to explain me why Adam has chosen pop, o yeah, he has great pop mentors , I've almost forgotten it. Just imagine , Adam's interviews, acts, songs are good enough for me.
As @broddybounce has said, I wavered/hesitated a bit about posting this conversation between Paul Rogers and Alice Cooper, knowing that there were some elements of the dialog that probably would not be well received here.. And yes, we consult amongst ourselves (the admins) here at 24/7 when there is a question about something we may decide to post..or not.. Usually the final answer is "yes", occasionally "no".
We're indeed here to support Adam in any and all ways.. And to inform his faithful fans about everything going on in "Adamlandia" (as Adam's dad Eber loves to call the fandom and related topics).
I personally thought Alice Cooper's comments about Adam were quite complimentary in general and meant to be a very positive spin on Adam's compatibility with Queen..He's a fan of Adam Lambert for sure!
It is generally acknowledged that Adam was a better fit with Queen than Paul Rogers.. Some would argue the point, but in most circles, that is the case..
And most famously, the men of Queen themselves, Dr. Brian May & Roger Taylor, agree with that assessment. As many reader of Adam Lambert 24/7 know, we've posted numerous articles regarding their statements to that effect.. "Adam's voice is one in a billion".. etc.. etc.. Here's an example of their statements, one of many... (clickable links below)..
Queen Believe Lambert 'More Suited' For Group Than Paul Rodgers
And this clip with several journalists from the UK, recorded from Sky 6 (UK TV), which was posted in March 2015, recorded from a British TV show, also agrees, and goes into more detail on the specific reasons why they feel the way they do......
Adam Lambert mention on Discovering:Queen (Sky)
NOTE: I didn't post the clip here on the blog to diss Paul Rodgers (something that Adam Lambert himself would never do, by the way...).. Paul is a very talented artist in his own right.. I suspect he may just not wish to discuss Adam in the context of Queen.. He certainly must be aware of the comments by media and others about his time with Queen versus the "new guy" Adam Lambert.. His right to decline comment..
Good discussion here by the way.. Thank you for all of your comments..
I'm glad this was posted, as I'm interested in All news concerning Adam even if it's not always complimentary. It gives me an informed opportunity to go to the original site and give positive input without getting into negative behavior which I feel serves no purpose, lowering one's self to the the original basher. I've never thought that censorship was honest and how can one diffuse a situation if you never have access to outside info. This is where we come for news, whatever it may be from outside sources and I hope it won't be censored. Hopefully readers will be able to differentiate truth from fiction and not get caught up hearing news responding in a negative way, but maybe try to use common sense and respond to the link respectfully to honor Adam. "Forwarned is forarmed " in my opinion & would be beneficial to Adam. How can one dispell rumors or negativity if you're kept in the dark?
It was Alice that remarked about Adams look. Paul wished them every success. Carnt see a problem with that.
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