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QueenOnline On Tour (South America): Notes From The Road ("Nick's Blog"): Parts 5-8

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Sunday, September 27, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, September 27, 2015

We are a little behind in posting "Nick's Blog" from the road on the Queen + Adam Lambert tour of South America.  Here are the links, and a few quotes, from Parts 5-8, the last of which was posted today:

"...Adam working the crowd like the consumet (sic) front man he has now become..."
"Highlights for me included the debut of Adam's ‘Ghost Town' with it's new Queen makeover, it makes for a decidedly wicked 'Disco Metal' anthem and the online buzz surrounding this surprise inclusion has been immense."

"Soundcheck ... Adam is focusing on his vocals unaccompanied between songs."

"My personal favourite part of the show was Adam's call and response after 'Tie Your Mother Down’ that segued into a cool little jam."

"Bloody hell Adam; don't tip them over the edge. ...  Oh go on then, I've never seen human combustion before."


Jean Renard said...

Nick, we will miss your darling commentaries when it is all over in South America. Thank you, thank you very much! Margarita Lady

Unknown said...

Who's Nik? A tour staff?

blu said...

Thanks Nick . . . love your comments!