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Adam Lambert NEW INTERVIEW with vangardist magazine

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, October 06, 2015


Lam-My said...

So Another Lonely Night video shows Adam a lot more relatable; I like the outdoor scenes, refreshing open spaces. Prefiguring...

Another Lonely Night is debuting
Graphic of a zebra in bed doting
What is with the showering
Trying to rinse out something
Adam looks as handsome as ever
Portraying a person in a dilemma
His shirt colour, my favourite, ochre
Blends in with his skin colour
So appealing, though looking a bit of a downer
He's the anchor to tell the melancholia
However, his smile and empathy is the best remedy
To overcome a crisis...a love gone cranky
Won't deter him from finding love eventually
Lurking somewhere out there sexily

Dee R Gee said...

I finally read this interview. A lot of it is the same questions Adam has been asked for a long time. But I liked his reply about how his fans come from different parts of the world with different perspectives. The U.S. fans more closely associate him with Idol, but fans from other countries not so much. Kind of shows why Adam's international fan base is so strong. Idol gave Adam his big break but in the US it's been a double-edged sword. His international fans are really his bread and butter right now. The other item in the interview is about AIDS and that show in Vienna where he performed a few years ago. Adam rarely mentions the AIDS issue, but he was willing to take part in a symbolic moment with the interviewer. Interesting, IMO.

Lam-My said...

Thanks DRG for picking out the main points. The point you made about his international fans being his bread and butter is regrettable because the US is the only country with a huge, thriving entertainment industry, followed up by far-off seconds. I tend to think it's the same ole gender issue at play.

Dee R Gee said...

Lam-my, I agree. Adam fills good-sized venues overseas as a solo artist. He is well-respected on his own merits in many countries, not just as part of Queen. The US is still his hardest nut to crack. Competition is huge here. I'm so glad that his new label has been promoting him so well. It has definitely paid off. Although not a #1 song, GT has done quite well on the US charts. I have high hopes for ALN, too. As for the gender issue, I think many Americans who don't follow him still view him as the gay guy with a lot of make-up, etc., and not the guy he has evolved into, who is so much more. Hard to change people's minds or force them to take another look. But a lot of Glamberts are always trying to spread the word about him.

Lam-My said...

DRG... Yes, the competition in the US music environment is definitely very high but I'm pegging Adam's unique singing/voice talent in that competitive environment and he definitely compares on par, if not higher than many who get to the top faster with regard sales, tours, acting, big tv Award shows etc. One stark example, the Grammy winners are not that much more talented than Adam. A lot comes down to having the right connections basically. But it's great progress that being gay may not be such a big issue anymore.
Final analysis, Adam has come a very long way and Queen/Brian/Roger have been the visible push in giving him that huge exposure like singing to audiences of over 100,000+ in so many countries...Well, he compensates with being a worldwide renown extraordinary singer. He did it on his own steam really, a tough nut! lwl!