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Adam Lambert Interview: Voice Of Poland "I Created The Music To Be Universal"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Adam Lambert recently performed on The Voice Of Poland, and was interviewed by Catherine Gaweska  before appearing on the show.

Adam Lambert on The Voice Of Poland

The Interview is entitled:

"Adam Lambert: I want to know that the people at my concerts have sex [interview]"
 (translated from the original Polish by Google)

The title is loosely taken from a section of the interview, but not an exact quote..


Be sure to read the interview to see exactly what THAT was all about! AND the rest of the interview as well...

Quotes from the interview:


QUESTION: Maybe in the end help me dispel doubts about this, why are you still answering questions about your sexual preferences, although it has no connection with music? Sure, you admitted that you are gay, but it was a long time ago and I think everyone should have to accept that, while people are still asking questions you this, if that would define you, and yet you are first and foremost an artist. You feel the need to talk about it to help other people?

ADAM LAMBERT: Oh yes, I have to exactly the same approach as you. I'm a little torn between the desire to help others, and personal dissatisfaction associated with continued rolling the topic of my sexuality. All the time I have a feeling that I can bring to the world a small change to help even one person to give her courage. At the same time, I realize that my personality consists of a multitude of other factors that I can afford more. It seems to me that ordinary people and fans do not have no problem with that. Just like you said, it's just the media is still interested in my sexuality, so it's probably something I simply accept it.