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AdamTweet; Another Lonely Night (Swedish Idol 2015) - Idol Sverige

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, November 15, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, November 15, 2015


Lam-My said...

Oh my goodness, that was a b-b-b-blow! He looks so handsome and fierce. That key is very hard to sing in; needs a huge amount of internal kung-fu power to send it to the back. So Adam is booked all the way through 2016.

Lam-My said...

Another Lonely Night
Takes flight like an eagle
His voice swoops in for the kill
Right down to the last trill
No note too high or too low
He simply chops it with a karate blow
With just the right amount of force
Sending it rolling across the board
Reverberating guiding it in course
Like the eagle, the wind beneath its wings
Operatic Pop King sings
One doesn't have to be sad even if alone
It's the spirit that feels you're home
Adam longs for his special someone
Yes, being at the top does feel alone

Rosepetal said...

Sorry I didn't get back to the other thread to say hello. I'm glad u likey sad poems I like yours about Adam. I've tried to write happy things but I'm just not good at it.

Thank you. Sorry I didn't get back to tell you sooner. It's good to be back I don't have much time but will try to post when possible.
Here's my latest sad poem...I was thinking how I hoped the people in Paris didn't suffer when death took them and this was what I was hoping it might be like:

I heard a voice in the wind spoke my name and called me friend,
It ask me please to come with a clam and ancient place.
To lay in fragrant meadows touch the face of one unseen ,
To play with moonbeams from on high... To dance across the starry sky.
To know pure and endless love... to free my soul and rise above.
These words drifted over me they sounded like a melody.
Suddenly I felt so light...was then it whispered that I had died.

Shelagh said...

Sad poem indeed

Shelagh said...

I wonder if Adam had a lonely night or spent it with the gorgeous Sauli 😍

JAK said...

Oh, Rose Petal.....I hope it is like that!
I'm going to copy it for a friend. She is very ill and we talk a lot about death.
She will love the poem.
We don't talk sadly about death, we consider it the last great adventure.
Luv U lots....

Rosepetal said...

There are no words to tell you how honored I am to have you share my poem with your dear friend. I've never looked at death as a sad thing just an eventuality.

Lam-My said...

Yes, Rose Petal... Thank you for your heartfelt poem.
I've often wondered whether at the point of death, one is aware they have died; or the subconscious or soul whatever one calls it, simply eases into another dimension and continues its way; without actually knowing that they have died.
Touch God's face...RIP...those perished in Paris.