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Fan Pics: Adam Lambert @MIXMas969 Phoenix

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, December 3, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, December 03, 2015


Anne Marie said...

Adam sporting a very different look, than he did last night in Nashville. He says he gets dressed about 20 minutes before he goes on stage. I think this time he gave himself 2 minutes, and grabbed the first things that were on the top of his suitcase. He is very comfortable with what ever he wears, says he doesn't use a stylist, I can guess that. Good thing most people don't give a hoot what he wears, as long as they can hear him sing, and see his beautiful face.

Jean Renard said...

Hi all Glamberts,
I just got home from the concert tonight in Phoenix, AZ, and I am hoarse from my screaming antics, but, I still have enough energy to write a synopsis of the show. Echosmith opened for Adam, and they are so talented, however, the music was just too loud. I prayed that the sound would be better for Adam. And, it was. He was on fire tonight with a crowd of about 2,500 people. The Glamberts went wild for him ... we were of many different ages, but age was superfluous tonight. His voice was ethereal, superb, and drove us WILD! We really showed him our love and appreciation for his immense talent. "LUCY" was amazing and "ANOTHER LONELY NIGHT" brought tears to my eyes. May G-d and the Universe bless and always keep this beautiful, authentic and precious young man. The joy and happiness he brought to his adoring Glamberts tonight was beyond measure. Thank you, Adam, for such an unbelievable show. You surely gave us your all and we just simply love you. Margarita Lady

daydreamin said...

Thank you for that Margarita lady! Love that he has so many adoring fans. He so deserves the love.

Lam-My said...

Congratulations ! Margarita Lady...You made it and enjoyed it thoroughly. I like the way he and Terrance bantered in, If I Had You, very upbeat. The Run away...back and forth was so uplifting and his voice, helluva fierce. I'm beginning to like Lucy a lot especially...Run away...Run away lwl!

Shelagh said...

Thanks for your comments on the show,and other Glamberts' pics/videos,I have to wait until he comes to the UK next year to see this talented and gorgeous man,glad he has Terence on board,as they are good friends from way back,would love to see Joey Ratcliffe on guitar as a guest as well but,probably wouldn't happen.keep posting great stuff and thanks x

Shelagh said...

Sorry I mean Tommy Joe Ratliffe !!!!

JAK said...

I wonder why the 'kilt' look?

Jean Renard said...

@JAK-I had just said to my friend, before Adam came on stage, "Please, I hope he doesn't tie that crazy flannel shirt around his waist", but, HE DID IT! It looked like a long skirt on him and he kept it on until almost the end of the show. Usually, it is his favorite red plaid flannel shirt, but somehow he found a bigger one and longer one in blue for our show tonight. We could not view anything on that lower awesome body. However, his voice made up for it, plus his incredible boyish charm stole away our hearts. Margarita Lady

Unknown said...

I'm sure Adam spent quite a bit of time deciding what to wear. I love waiting to see what he will wear and what little spin he will put on it, like when he wore huge platform shoes with a tux. He's so much fun to watch.

Unknown said...

He does have a stylist and I love that he has the courage to wear this kind of outfit. Most men are so boring in their choice of clothes.

blu said...

Adam trending on Yahoo homepage again

Dee R Gee said...

Thanks for the feedback on the show, Margarita Lady! From the vids, I sounds like his voice was in its usual fine form. When he goes for that glory note at the end of ALN, I just dissolve into a puddle. As for the shirt/skirt, I love how he is so playful with clothes. Most guys just where the same old, same old, but Adam keeps us guessing. He puts odd combinations together and still manages to look hot as a pistol. Never ever boring, Adam. Tonight's it's San Diego and then Las Vegas!!!

Dee R Gee said...

AND, so cool to hear that he's trending on the Yahoo homepage again.

Nanbert said...

But the shirt/skirt effect is so much more attractive than the bleached, tattered jeans with all the holes that are so unflattering. Let's face it...Adam has great legs, and shouldn't hide or disguise them....... and I'm NOT suggesting that he wear shorts!
Anyway, I'll take him anyway he chooses to present himself -- he's his own person -- and we love his quirks (maybe not ALL) almost as much as his attributes. He's just SPECIAL, and I can listen to that VOICE all day -- and usually do!

Nanbert said...

BTW -- even better than listening to Adam is SEEING and listening to Adam!

glitzylady said...

A couple of comments:

Adam looks stunning in whatever he wears. And that's even more true in person..

He's young and he's gorgeous.. Everything he wears is window dressing.. He knows how to dress for the occasion...

And what a FIIIIINE window it is!!!!!

Gabi said...

I was there and I just got home. @Margarita Lady, I even made a note of where you were seated and I know that you weren't far from me, but well... I met some friends and started chatting, spent the break in the bathroom line (lol) and then Adam got on stage and before I blinked again it was over.

About the concert itself ...I can only provide my own very personal experience but I sense that @Margarita Lady had a similar one :)....I am not exaggerating to admit that the superlatives that I have gotten accustomed to when describing the "Adam magic" won't even do it justice. There was MAD(!) love for Adam from the start and it never died down for all the right reasons. He was sharp, he was smooth and relaxed, and he was confident. Confidence is sexy, isn't it? I only "remembered" that flannel once he took it off toward the end to the crowd's wild approval as I was continuously focused on his eyes, his face, and his toned arms only feet away. I think I have never seen so many people from various demographics around me who were totally into it standing, clapping, and singing along. After TISI, as much as I can remember in my still dazed state of mind, the thunderous, overwhelming applause literally put the concert on hold for a minute and brought him close to choking up. He thanked us more than once. There was this constant flow of energy between the "ringmaster" and the audience eating out of the palm of his hands, and it was tantalizing. I assume many felt like I did - Adam was within reach. A friend of mine described last night perfectly - a celebration of the "universal spirit" of Adam. Not sure what it was ... The theater set-up definitely provided a very intimate and "connected" feel perfect for an artist like Adam, so the few empty seats in the upper levels were easily compensated by the enthusiastic crowd. Btw. so good to have Adam's friend Terrance in this show. He and Adam have a special connection that shows :)

choons said...

re the tied plaid shirt .... maybe he split his pants again.
or he was just in grungy mode, goes with his boots.