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Mathew Blades Show - Adam Lambert calls a HUGE fan!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 4, 2015

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2015


LAMBERT Outlaw said...

ADAM you made that little girl so happy just by phoning her ... just imagine how thrilled she'll be to see you in person!! God Bless You dear ADAM for all that you do for your fans young & old just by being you!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

Awwww! That was so cool! Too bad she didn't get to ask her question. I don't think Adam heard her say that. What a special thing he did for her. Now she will be a fan for life for sure.

Dee R Gee said...

She reacted just the like I would have. Speechless and overcome. I've never met Adam or had a M&G. The closest I've been was at the Park West show in Chicago recently, about 20 feet away. He has such a presence; he just fills the room no matter how big the room is.