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Queen + Adam Lambert 2016 Tour Google Map updated (May 25 Austria & June 15 Belgium added)

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, December 15, 2015


JAK said...

WOW.......Adam works hard for the money!

Nanbert said...

He's been going at a blistering pace for months now, and 2016 looks like a killer year, between the TOH AND QAL tours. I hope he's not biting off more than he can chew going at it like this! I worry about "burn-out" and/or voice problems.

Just so he stays in perfect health, not too stressed, and still enjoying all that performing -- because so much of his attraction is his evident joy in performing that he projects.... and, obviously, A HEALTHY VOICE!

Lam-My said...

Doing two world tours one after another sure requires heavy-duty human batteries. Adam once said he had too much energy as a child, always bouncing off the walls; still quite evident. He's in his prime, shouldn't pose a big problem but he needs to have 8 hours sound sleep every night, which he should be able to get, zipping from city to city on planes with individual bunkers.
Actually, the QAL tour is much more relaxing as Queen takes care of all the logistics; it's his Original High tour that needs more cracking on his part.

p/s: Hi Rose Petal...Thank you!

Anne Marie said...

The hardest tour is his own tour in January. The Qual tour is nicely spaced with time in between to sight see in the other countries, which he usually doesn't get to do. Hope he enjoys this year coming up, it looks real good.

Nanbert said...

By the time 2016 is over, everyone in the world will be Adam Lambert fans!